使用通用的Microsoft Office系统中的Excel 软件,根据不同项目及不同元素的内检质量和一级标准物质质量,判断分析测试质量.对区域地球化学样品分析测试质量进行计算机及局域网质量控制,利用Access工具建立数据库,编制一级标准物质质量控制表、密码检查质量控制表,制作质量监控图及打印检测报告等质量监控体系,实现对化探样品分析数据质量的管理.
Computer and local area network were used in quality control of analytical data for regional geochemical samples. Excel software in Microsoft Office was used for quality control by evaluating and estimating the quality of analytical data of different items and elements in both inner quality control and standard reference samples. The computerized quality monitoring and control system includes Access database, quality control tables of standard reference samples, quality control tables of cryptogrammic checkup, chart of quality monitoring and control, print of detection reports and etc.. The system has been applied to the quality control in analysis of regional geochemical samples.