• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
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Provenance-tracking of Bronze Vessel Using Rare Earth Elements in Clay Mould Residues

  • 摘要: 从青铜器上所残留的陶范或泥芯出发,探讨利用泥芯示踪青铜器产地的可行性。采用等离子体发射光谱法测试了湖北、陕西、内蒙古和辽宁等地古代遗址出土陶范、泥芯等冶铸遗物的稀土元素,并分析比较了各自特征。在此基础上,对湖北枣阳九连墩和荆门左冢楚墓群出土青铜器上的泥芯进行稀土元素分析,为这些青铜器的铸造地提供信息。研究结果显示,各地陶范和泥芯的稀土元素特征有一定差异,通过分析青铜器上所残留的泥芯或陶范中稀土元素的地球化学特征,可以示踪古代青铜器的产地,即铸造地。


    Abstract: The composition of casting core might provide clue on the provenance of the bronze vessels.This pa- per probes into the provenance of the bronze vessels according to analysis of mould and inner mould of the bronze vessels.REEs analysis in mould residues is conducted by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrome- try(ICP-AES).Results reveal that characteristics of REEs in mould from different regions are dissimilar.It is feasible to restrict the possible area of provenance of bronze based on analysis of REEs in inner mould residues. Meanwhile,this paper studies provenance of the bronze vessels from Jiuliandun Chu tomb and Zuozhong tombs, and the geochemical characteristics of REEs from inner mould provide information on bronze vessels.


