• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
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The Field Experiment of Semi-permeable Sampling Device for Organochlorine Pesticides in Groundwater

  • 摘要: 利用含有甘油三油酸酯的半透膜装置进行室内模拟实验和野外验证实验,旨在开发一种可以模拟生物过程的监测地下水的方法。得出了有机氯农药在水相和半透膜之间分配的平衡时间和富集系数,平衡时间除δ-BHC为234h和p,p’-DDE、o,p-DDT为70h外,其余组分均为594h;α—BHC、六氯苯、β—BHC、γ—BHC、δ-BHC、七氯、艾氏剂、七氯环氧、p,p’-DDE、狄氏剂、异狄氏剂、p,p’-DDD、o,p’-DDT,p,p,-DDT富集系数分别为:0.061、0.071、0.098、0.066、0.033、0.014、0.007、0.062、0.108、0.052、0.029、0.032、0.061 mL/h。七氯、艾氏剂、o,p—DDT、p,p’-DDE以及p,p’-DDT组分在膜中的平衡浓度远小于它们在水中浓度,不适于用此种半透膜取样器进行富集;在凉水河岸边的野外实验结果也验证了半透膜装置监测地下水有机氯农药的可行性,但其个别组分的结果出现异常,需要在该地区进一步开展工作进行研究。


    Abstract: The paper presents the simulation experiment using semi-permeable sampling device(SPMD) with triolein in order to develop a method to monitor groundwater by simulating bio-accumulation process. The uptake rate and equilibrium time of organochlorine pesticides were obtained during the laboratory experiment. All the equilibrium time are 594 hours except that δ-BHC′s is 234 hours and both p,p′-DE and o,p-DT′s are 70 hours. Uptake rates of α-HC, hexachlorobenzene, β-HC, γ-HC, δ-HC, heptachlor, aldrin, heptachlor epoxide, p,p′-DDE, dieldrin, endrin, p,p′-DD, o,p-DT and p,p′-DT are 0.061, 0.071, 0.098, 0.066, 0.033, 0.014, 0.007, 0.062, 0.108, 0.052, 0.029, 0.032, 0.061 mL/h, respectively. Because the concentrations of heptachlor, aldrin, o,p-DDT, p,p′-DDE and p,p′-DDT in SPMD are lower than those in water, these contaminants are not suitable to be sampled by this SPMD. The results of field experiment done at the Liangshui river prove the feasibility of SPMD used in groundwater monitoring. But detailed work is needed to be done in order to explain some unusual field experiment results.


