• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
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Simultaneous Determination of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Sediments and Its Application in Jiaozhou Bay

  • 摘要: 通过实验优化确定了近海自然粒度下沉积物中氮和磷同时浸取并测定的条件,其中无机态氮和无机态磷用0.1moL/L盐酸浸取后测定;总氮、总磷采用氢氧化钠与过硫酸钾混合氧化剂进行氧化浸取后测定。用这种方法研究了胶州湾沉积物中的氮与磷,探讨了其沉积物中氮和磷的地球化学分布特征,发现胶州湾沉积物中有机氮可占总氮的50%~70%,而有机磷所占总磷的比例低于40%,从湾内到湾外这一比例有降低的趋势;与其他海区相似,胶州湾表层沉积物中无机氮和无机磷的相对含量随着深度的增加而增大,在次表层则趋于稳定或变化较小;而有机氮和有机磷的垂直变化与其相反。结果表明,这种沉积物氮、磷的同时测定方法,具有操作简单、精密度高等特点,可用于近海沉积物氮、磷生态学功能及过量氮、磷生态毒理的研究。


    Abstract: Nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments play an important role in marine biogeochemical cycle. In order to study its potential function in matter cycling, the best conditions for simultaneous determination of nitrogen and phosphorus in natural grainy sediments were developed based on a series of experiments. Inorganic nitrogen and inorganic phosphorus were determined after extracted by 0. 1 mol/L HCl. Total nitrogen and total phosphorus were determined after being extracted by NaOH-K2S208 solution. The method has been used in the study on geochemical characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments from Jiaozhou Bay. The results indicate that organic nitrogen occupies 50% - 70% of total nitrogen and organic phosphorus accounts for less than 40% of total phosphorus. Similar to other regions, the contents of inorganic nitrogen and inorganic phosphorus in surface sediments of Jiaozhou Bay increase with depth, while tend to be stable or little change in sub-surface sediments. In reverse, the contents of organic nitrogen and organic phosphorus decrease with depth. All the results indicate that the method for simultaneous determination of nitrogen and phosphorus in natural grainy sediments provides the advantages of simplicity, good accuracy and precision. The method can be used in study on ecological function of nitrogen and phosphorus and ecological toxicology of excessive nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments.


