Comparison of Ultrasonic Vibration and Mechanical Shaking Extraction of Loosely Sorbed Phosphorus in Sediments
摘要: 用超声技术提取沉积物样品中松散结合态磷,并与振荡提取结果进行比较。结果表明,超声提取结果与振荡提取结果大致相当。超声提取耗时短,操作简单易行,测试结果精密度为3.8%(RSD,n=7),可以替代振荡方法提取沉积物中的松散结合态磷。Abstract: Ultrasonic vibration technology was used to extract loosely sorbed phosphorus fraction in the sediments from Guanting Reservoir. The results of ultrasonic vibration extraction are better than those of the mechanical shaking extraction. The precision of ul