Application of Multi-target Restriction Genetic Algorithms in Phase Analysis of Geological Samples
摘要: 多目标约束遗传算法 (MGA)用于地质样品相态分析 ,建立了相态浓度、浸取率常数及各相态浸取总量的数学定量关系。选择出铁的 5种相态的浸取剂和最佳浸取条件并确定出浸取率常数。讨论了多目标约束遗传算法的参数对计算速度及相态分析结果的影响 ,验证了方法的准确度 (|RE|<1 3 .75 % )和精密度 (各相平均RSD =4% ) ,建立了一种简便、快速、准确的地质样品相态分析的方法。Abstract: In this article, Multi target Restriction Genetic Algorithms (MRGA) is introduced to phase analysis of geological samples. A mathematical model which reveals the relation among phase content, dissolved ratio constant and total dissolution content is