Determination of Platinum Group Elements and Gold in Geochemical ExplorationSamples by Nickel Sulfide Fire Assay-ICPMS
摘要: 对锍镍试金富集-等离子体质谱法测定贵金属流程中的试剂空白进行了检查,并对空白主要来源-捕集剂镍的各种纯化方法作了对比,提出了回收试金流程中溶扣后滤液中的镍循环使用。在有效降低空白的基础上,满足了化探样品所要求的0.0x ng/g级检出限,对超痕量贵金属标样分析结果与标准值符合。Abstract: The reagent blanks in precious metal analysis by NiS fire assay ICPMS were checked. The different purification methods for the Ni collector were compared and the easier and more effective one was proposed, in which Ni was retrieved from fire assay proced