Control on Pollution from Artificial Ore Deposits
摘要: 通过对铜绿山某矿尾矿及废水的物质组分的分析研究 ,查明主要污染物是Cu、Fe、悬浮物和选矿残留的有机试剂 ;尾矿废水处理的初步研究表明 ,石灰、H2 SO4 、FeCl3、Al2 (SO4 ) 3 均可有效去除尾矿废水中的污染物质 ,从综合因素考虑 ,采用石灰处理效果最好 ,处理过的尾矿废水可以重复利用 ;在上述研究基础上 ,提出了尾矿及尾矿废水的污染防治对策和综合利用方案 ,通过综合利用可以从尾矿中回收近 1× 1 0 5t金属铜和大约 3× 1 0 6t金属铁 ,Co、Mn、Zn、Ag、Au、Re、WAbstract: Based on the study on components of tailings and tailings waste water from Tonglushan mine, it was found that main pollutants were Cu, Fe, suspended substances and organic substances remained from ore dressing reagents. The results from the processing of