Determination of Combined Water in Deep Sea Sediments
摘要: 针对用双球管重量法测定化合水(H2O+)时试样中的Cl-对测定严重干扰,考察了用浸洗样品除Cl-以及校正双球管中冷凝水(H2O±)中Cl-的两种消除Cl-干扰的方法。实验证明,两种方法均可行,但后者更具有实用性,测定结果准确、精密度较好。所拟方法对新研制的GSMS_2和GSMS_3两个深海沉积物标准物质的化合水进行测定,结果与初定值相符。Abstract: To eliminate the serious interference from Cl - in determination of H 2O in deep sea sediments by Penfield tube gravimetry, two methods have been developed. One is based on eliminating the interference by leashing_out Cl - from the sample and the ot