Application of Detection Iodide by Ion Chromatography in Study on Interrelationship between Environmental Geology and Endemic Goitre
摘要: 收集了安徽省某地区地甲病流行患者的血、尿、发样,病区的饮水样、谷物、蔬菜样和环境地质样共计699个,同时收集了该地非病区水样和环境地质样282个。水样直接进样,其它样品经湿法分解后,用离子色谱法测定其中的碘和溴的含量。统计分析表明,病区地甲病患病率与饮水中碘的含量密切相关,也与环境地质如地貌、地质构造及水文地球化学等条件密切相关。碘含量低的石灰岩地区,地甲病患病率高。Abstract: I - and Br - in hair, urine and blood samples collected from goitre patients in Chaohu area Anhui Province, one of the major popular region of endemic goitre disease, and in drinking water, rice, vegetables, corn and petrological samples collected from bo