Quantitative Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis of WolIastonite,CaIcite and Quartz in Ores
摘要: 通过对硅灰石矿中主要矿物——硅灰石、方解石和石英的红外光谱特征、及其与矿物含量间的变化关系的实验,确定了各主要矿物的特征分析吸收带,并建立了相应的工作曲线和相关方程。用红外光谱法定量测定了硅灰石矿中矿物含量。Abstract: Wollastonite, calcite and quartz in ores can be quantitatively determined by measuring the optical densities of the four characteristic absorbance bands at 960, 640, 710 and 795cm-1 of the infrared spectra. The equations and coefficients are as follows: D