• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
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Aquatic Toxicity and Ecological Risk Assessment of Chlorophenol Insecticides

  • 摘要: 氯酚类化合物(CPs)具有持久性有机污染物特性,同时易富集于水环境中,其水生生物毒性和生态风险备受关注。目前关于CPs污染物的末端处理存在一些不足,如吸附法成本较高,可能造成二次污染;臭氧氧化技术、高级氧化法会造成高能耗和增加环境生态危害。因此从污染源头的角度出发,针对CPs分子进行一定程度分子修饰,可有效地解决在末端处理时产生的问题。本文以源头修饰为手段对CPs生态风险进行减弱替代,并对其进行生态风险评估筛选。基于简易公式评分法辅助构建了CPs水生生物毒性综合效应的三维定量构效关系(3D-QSAR)模型,依据此模型的三维等势图进行低水生生物毒性综合效应的CPs分子修饰,并将新设计的替代物分子与可表征各环境性质的受体进行分子对接,以打分值作为评价其各项效应的依据,设计并筛选出水生生物毒性较低(毒性降低0.55%~4.62%)、杀虫和防腐性能较强(杀虫性能提升5.27%~30.67%,防腐性能提升0.12%~11.98%)、环境友好性较优(性能提升16.43%~18.76%)的4种CPs替代物分子(2-C2H5取代、2-CH2NH2取代、2-NH2取代与2-SH取代)。并基于分子动力学方法对磷脂双分子层结构与替代物分子进行分子动力学计算,即模拟细胞膜对CPs的吸附能力,表明4种CPs替代物分子均具有较低的生物积累效应(生物积累效应降低9.71%~40.20%)。本研究结果可为CPs水生生物毒性效应及生态风险评估提供新方法,为CPs环境友好性改性技术开发提供理论依据。


    Abstract: Chlorophenols (CPs) are widely present in surface water and groundwater environments. They are one of the persistent pollutants in the environment. CPs in the water environment have a high half-life and are easily absorbed and enriched by aquatic organisms, causing toxic effects and harming aquatic organisms. This article aims to quantitatively identify the aquatic toxicity effects of CPs, assess potential ecological risks, and anticipate using source modification as a means to reduce and replace its ecological risks. The homology modeling and molecular docking method coupled with the simple formula scoring method was used to quantify the comprehensive aquatic toxicity effect of CPs molecules, and based on this, a 3D-QSAR model of the comprehensive effects on aquatic organisms was completed; and then molecular dynamics simulation technology was used to complete the CPs simulation verification of cumulative effects. Coupling the multi-dimensional assessment of functionality, environmental friendliness, and food chain cumulative risk, this article screened out low aquatic toxicity CPs alternatives that are both functional and environmentally friendly. The results of this research can provide a new perspective for the toxic effects and ecological risk assessment of CPs molecules, and provide theoretical support for the development of technology for environmentally friendly modification of CPs molecules.


