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张威, 张书缘, 孔祥科, 许瑞峰, 韩梅, 刘圣华, 曾少坚, 吴林

张威,张书缘,孔祥科,等. 磺胺甲恶唑和卡马西平在孔隙介质中的吸附行为与影响因素研究[J]. 岩矿测试,2024,44(1):1−13. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202407110154
引用本文: 张威,张书缘,孔祥科,等. 磺胺甲恶唑和卡马西平在孔隙介质中的吸附行为与影响因素研究[J]. 岩矿测试,2024,44(1):1−13. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202407110154
ZHANG Wei,ZHANG Shuyuan,KONG Xiangke,et al. Adsorption Behavior and Influencing Factors of Sulfamethoxazole and Carbamazepine on Porous Media[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis,2024,44(1):1−13. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202407110154
Citation: ZHANG Wei,ZHANG Shuyuan,KONG Xiangke,et al. Adsorption Behavior and Influencing Factors of Sulfamethoxazole and Carbamazepine on Porous Media[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis,2024,44(1):1−13. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202407110154


基金项目: 中国地质科学院基本科研业务费青年英才项目(YK202303);厦门市自然科学基金项目(3502Z20227309);国家自然科学基金面上项目(4207071759);中国地质科学院水文地质环境地质研究所基本科研业务费项目 (SK202318)




  • 中图分类号: X53

Adsorption Behavior and Influencing Factors of Sulfamethoxazole and Carbamazepine on Porous Media

  • 摘要:



    (1) Lagergren准二级动力学方程和Langmuir等温吸附模型可以较好地拟合粉土和细砂对磺胺甲恶唑和卡马西平的吸附过程,属于单分子层吸附,主要受化学作用控制。




    (1) Adsorption processes of SMX and CBZ by pore media follow Lagergren model and Langmuir model and belongs to single molecular layer chemisorption.

    (2) The adsorption capacity of SMX in silt that existed mainly in anionic form increases with the increase of pH value (5.0~9.0), while the adsorption capacity of CBZ in molecular form does not change significantly with the change of pH.

    (3) The coexistence of dissolved humic acid (8~50mg/L) inhibits the adsorption of SMX and CBZ. The adsorption capacity of SMX and CBZ increases with the increase of organic matter and iron oxide content in porous media.


    Significance: Sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and carbamazepine (CBZ),as representatives of pharmaceutically active compoundss (PhACs),have attracted much attention. Adsorption plays a pivotal role in determining the migration of PhACs in environments. However,there is a lack of systematical analyses of the adsorption patterns of SMX and CBZ on porous media and the influence of environmental factors on adsorption. These limit the understanding of the potential environmental risks of SMX and CBZ. Explore the adsorption mechanism of SMX and CBZ on the porous medium,and identify the influence of solution pH,DHA content,and soil mineral composition on their adsorption. The results of these studies provide a scientific basis for elucidating the adsorption behavior of SMX and CBZ in soil and water environment.

    METHODS: The adsorption kinetics,isothermal adsorption characteristics and environmental influencing factors (pH,DHA and mineral composition) of SMX on two typical pore media such as silty soil and fine sand were carried out in batch experiments. A series of kinetic and equilibrium adsorption models were used to simulate the experimental results and reveal the fundamental mechanisms.

    Data and Results: The adsorption capacity of SMX and CBZ on porous media increases with time,and then reaches equilibrium,showing the characteristics of rapid adsorption and slow equilibrium (Fig.1). The Lagergren pseudo-second-order kinetic equation can well fit the adsorption process of SMX and CBZ on different porous media (R2 is greater than 0.99),and the fitted equilibrium adsorption capacity is basically the same as the experimental adsorption capacity (Table 3). Langmuir model can well describe the isothermal adsorption process of SMX and CBZ in silt and fine sand,and the maximum adsorption capacities of silt for SMX and CBZ are 0.566μg/g and 3.146μg/g,respectively,and 0.367μg/g for SMX and 1.566μg/g for CBZ in fine sand. The adsorption of SMZ and CBZ on porous media is a monomolecular layer chemical adsorption.

      At the experimental temperature (15~35℃),the Gibbs free energy delta (G) is less than 0,indicating that the adsorption reaction of SMX and CBZ by fine sand is spontaneous. The adsorption enthalpy change (ΔH) of SMX is less than 0,indicating that the adsorption of SMX by fine sand is an exothermic process,and the temperature rise has an inhibitory effect on the adsorption of SMX on fine sand. The enthalpy change (ΔH) of CBZ is greater than 0,indicating that the adsorption of fine sand to CBZ is an endothermic process,and the temperature rise can promote the reaction.

      The adsorption capacity of SMX on silt and fine sand decreases with the increase of solution pH (from 5.0 to 9.0),while the adsorption capacity of CBZ changes slightly with pH variation (Fig.3). The addition of dissolved HA in the solution can change the functional group structure and distribution on the surface of silt,thus affecting the adsorption process of SMX and CBZ on silt. With the increase of DHA concentration in solution (0-50mg/L),the adsorption processes of SMX and CBZ on the porous medium show a significant downward trend (Fig.4). The adsorption of SMX and CBZ are inhibited with the coexistence of DHA in the solution. With the increase of the montmorillonite and ferric oxide addition in the solution,the adsorption capacity of SMX and CBZ significantly increases (Fig.6). In addition to the electrostatic interactions and van der Waals forces,iron oxide surfaces can also form complexes by interacting with functional groups of SMX and CBZ.

      The adsorption processes of SMX and CBZ by pore media conform to Lagergren pseudo-second-order kinetic model and is mainly controlled by chemical adsorption. The adsorption process can be characterized by rapid absorption and slow equilibrium. The SMX and CBZ adsorption data are well fitted with Langmuir adsorption isotherm model,indicating that the adsorption is a monomolecular layer chemical adsorption. Thermodynamic analysis shows that the adsorption of SMX is a spontaneous exothermic process,while the adsorption of CBZ is an endothermic process. The adsorption capacity of SMX in silt increases with the increase of pH value,while the adsorption capacity of CBZ does not change significantly with the change of pH. The coexistence of DHA inhibits the adsorption of SMX and CBZ on porous media. The adsorption capacity of SMX and CBZ increases with the increase of organic matter and iron oxide content in porous media.

  • 药用活性化合物(PhACs)是一类具有不同分子结构、解离常数、疏水性等性质的复杂药物化合物,主要包括抗生素、消炎镇痛药及激素类药等1。人用或兽用药物的排放是环境中PhACs的主要来源2。PhACs可通过食物链迁移至人体,导致人类致癌或过敏反应3,且部分被降解后的产物可能比母体的毒性更大14。由于PhACs的大量使用及污水处理能力不足,河道沿线污水处理厂直接排放的再生水被普遍认为是PhACs进入水环境的一个重要污染源5-6,并通过受污染地表水的回灌、土壤淋滤下渗等途径进入地下水中7。近年来,国内外一些城市地下水中频繁检出浓度较高的PhACs,如磺胺甲恶唑、卡马西平、吉非罗齐、磺胺吡啶、氧氟沙星、林可霉素和诺氟沙星等在地下水中的检出浓度可达ng/L~μg/L8-9,对人体健康和生态环境具有较大的潜在风险10。其中,磺胺甲恶唑(SMX)是目前使用量最大的一种抗生素类药,调查结果显示其在中国部分地区再生水中的检出率达到100%,在地下水中检出率达到81.25%3。卡马西平(CBZ)作为具有抗惊厥、镇痛等作用的广普药物,其在水土中难以被吸附,表现为较高的浓度和迁移性,是国内外地下水中最普遍检出的药品类污染物,通常作为水体受药品类污染的指示物11。由于SMX和CBZ在水环境中的广泛检出及存在生态环境风险,其在水土环境中的迁移行为成为研究的热点12



    磺胺甲恶唑(SMX)和卡马西平(CBZ)为色谱纯,购自德国Dr. Ehrenstorfe公司,基本理化性质见表1

    表  1  SMX和CBZ的理化性质1923-24
    Table  1.  Physical and chemical properties of SMX and CBZ1923-24
    分子式 结构 pKa logKow
    SMX C10H11N3O3S 1.60/5.7 0.89
    CBZ C15H12N2O −0.5 1.9
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    表  2  孔隙介质的理化性质
    Table  2.  Physical and chemical properties of porous media
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    采用0.005mol/L氯化钙溶液作为背景溶液,分别配制浓度为500μg/L的磺胺甲恶唑或卡马西平污染液,加入150mL污染液到装有7.50g灭菌的粉土或细砂的250mL棕色锥形瓶中,加盖密封,置于恒温振荡器中振荡反应(120r/min,25℃,避光),分别在 0.25、0.5、1、2、4、8、12、24、36、48和60h取上清液,过滤后4℃放置保存,待测。




    液体样品经0.22μm滤膜过滤后,磺胺甲恶唑和卡马西平采用高效液相色谱测定,仪器配备紫外线(UV)波长为不同波段的可见光探测器,样品取样点需要做三个平行以减少误差。测试条件为:Waters PAH C18色谱柱(150mm×4.6mm,5μm),柱温30℃,流速1.0mL/min,进样量10μL,流动相为乙腈-水(60∶40,V/V,水用乙酸调节pH=3)。其中,磺胺甲恶唑的检测波长λ=265nm,卡马西平的检测波长λ=284nm25-26




    $$ 准一级动力学模型: {Q}_{t}={Q}_{\mathrm{e}}(1{-\mathrm{e}}^{-{k}_{1}\cdot t}) $$ (1)
    $$ 准二级动力学模型: t/{Q}_{t}=1/{k}_{2}\cdot {Q}_{\mathrm{e}}^{2}+t/{Q}_{\mathrm{e}} $$ (2)




    $$ \mathrm{Freundlich}模型:Q\mathrm{_e}=K_{\mathrm{F}}\cdot C_{\mathrm{e}}^n $$ (3)
    $$ \mathrm{Langmuir}模型:Q_{\mathrm{ }\mathrm{e}}=Q_{\mathrm{m}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{x}}\cdot K_{\mathrm{L}}\cdot C_{\mathrm{e}}/(1+K_{\mathrm{L}}\cdot C_{\mathrm{e}}) $$ (4)




    $$ \Delta G=-R T \ln K_{\mathrm{d}}$$ (5)
    $$ \mathrm{l}\mathrm{n}{K}_{\mathrm{d}}=-\frac{\Delta H}{RT}+\frac{\Delta S}{R} $$ (6)

    式中:$\Delta G $代表吉布斯自由能(kJ/mol);R为气体常数,其值为8.314[J/(mol·K)];$\Delta H $代表焓变(J/mol);$\Delta S $为熵变[kJ/(mol·K)];T是绝对温度(K)。


    图  1  不同孔隙介质对SMX和CBZ的吸附动力学拟合曲线
    Figure  1.  Adsorption and pseudo-second-order kinetics fitting curves of SMX and CBZ by different porous media. (a) SMX adsorption; (b) SMX adsorption fitting curves; (c) CBZ adsorption; (d) CBZ adsorption fitting curves.
    表  3  吸附动力学方程拟合参数
    Table  3.  Parameters of adsorption kinetics models for SMX and CBZ
    PhACs化合物 孔隙介质类型 Lagergren准二级吸附速率方程
    Qe (μg/g)
    Qe (μg/g)
    R2 相关系数
    SMX 粉土 0.94 1.06 1.04 0.971 0.985
    细砂 2.88 0.35 0.35 0.996 0.998
    CBZ 粉土 0.27 1.15 1.15 0.989 0.994
    细砂 1.66 0.41 0.49 0.996 0.998
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    图  2  不同孔隙介质对(a) SMX和(b) CBZ的等温吸附拟合曲线
    Figure  2.  Isothermal adsorption fitting curves of (a) SMX and (b) CBZ by different porous media
    表  4  不同孔隙介质对SMX和CBZ的等温吸附模型参数
    Table  4.  Parameters of isothermal adsorption models for SMX and CBZ by different porous media
    等温吸附模型 参数 SMX CBZ
    粉土 细砂 粉土 细砂
    Freundlich KF [(μg/g)·(L/μg)n] 0.033 0.009 0.005 0.003
    n 0.363 0.504 0.759 0.732
    R2 0.930 0.810 0.966 0.989
    Langmuir KL (L/μg) 0.003 0.0017 4.56×10−4 4.55×10−4
    Qmax (μg/g) 0.57 0.37 3.15 1.57
    R2 0.984 0.902 0.983 0.996
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    表  5  细砂对SMX和CBZ的吸附热力学参数
    Table  5.  Adsorption thermodynamic parameters of SMX and CBZ by fine sand
    污染物 θ
    SMX 35 −7.432 −0.00249 0.0241
    25 −7.191
    15 −6.950
    CBZ 35 −9.218 0.00499 0.0299
    25 −8.919
    15 −8.619
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    溶液的pH值可以改变污染物形态及孔隙介质表面电荷进而影响吸附进程37。由图3可知,粉土和细砂对SMX的吸附量随溶液pH值的增加均呈下降趋势,而对CBZ的吸附量随pH值的变化不明显。根据溶液中SMX和CBZ随pH值的形态变化规律2314,当溶液pH≥5.7时,SMX主要以阴离子SMX 形态存在38,CBZ则以分子态存在。因此,随pH由5.0升高至9.0,SMX与带负电的孔隙介质颗粒之间的静电斥力增大,孔隙介质对SMX的吸附量降低,CBZ主要受到孔隙介质中矿物组分的专性吸附和有机质的分配作用控制39,表现为不同孔隙介质对CBZ的吸附量随溶液pH值变化不明显。

    图  3  溶液pH对(a) SMX和(b) CBZ在孔隙介质上吸附的影响
    Figure  3.  Effect of pH on the (a) SMX and (b) CBZ adsorption by porous media


    图  4  溶液DHA浓度对(a) SMX和(b) CBZ在孔隙介质上吸附的影响
    Figure  4.  Effects of DHA concentration on the (a) SMX and (b) CBZ adsorption by porous media


    图  5  添加DHA前后粉土吸附(a) SMX和(b) CBZ的红外吸收光谱谱图对比
    Figure  5.  Infrared adsorption spectra of (a) SMX and (b) CBZ by silt before and after adding DHA


    图  6  蒙脱石及三氧化二铁对(a) SMX和(b) CBZ的吸附能力对比
    Figure  6.  Comparison of adsorption capacity of (a) SMX and (b) CBZ by montmorillonite and iron oxide


    随着溶液pH值的升高(pH 5.0~9.0),以阴离子态存在的SMX在粉土上的吸附量呈明显下降趋势,而以分子态存在的CBZ在粉土上的吸附量则受pH值影响较小。DHA共存下将改变孔隙介质表面官能团结构、分布和强度,并通过增溶作用抑制孔隙介质对SMX和CBZ的吸附。孔隙介质中蒙脱石和Fe2O3含量升高,对SMX和CBZ吸附起促进作用。

  • 图  1   不同孔隙介质对SMX和CBZ的吸附动力学拟合曲线

    Figure  1.   Adsorption and pseudo-second-order kinetics fitting curves of SMX and CBZ by different porous media. (a) SMX adsorption; (b) SMX adsorption fitting curves; (c) CBZ adsorption; (d) CBZ adsorption fitting curves.

    图  2   不同孔隙介质对(a) SMX和(b) CBZ的等温吸附拟合曲线

    Figure  2.   Isothermal adsorption fitting curves of (a) SMX and (b) CBZ by different porous media

    图  3   溶液pH对(a) SMX和(b) CBZ在孔隙介质上吸附的影响

    Figure  3.   Effect of pH on the (a) SMX and (b) CBZ adsorption by porous media

    图  4   溶液DHA浓度对(a) SMX和(b) CBZ在孔隙介质上吸附的影响

    Figure  4.   Effects of DHA concentration on the (a) SMX and (b) CBZ adsorption by porous media

    图  5   添加DHA前后粉土吸附(a) SMX和(b) CBZ的红外吸收光谱谱图对比

    Figure  5.   Infrared adsorption spectra of (a) SMX and (b) CBZ by silt before and after adding DHA

    图  6   蒙脱石及三氧化二铁对(a) SMX和(b) CBZ的吸附能力对比

    Figure  6.   Comparison of adsorption capacity of (a) SMX and (b) CBZ by montmorillonite and iron oxide

    表  1   SMX和CBZ的理化性质1923-24

    Table  1   Physical and chemical properties of SMX and CBZ1923-24

    分子式 结构 pKa logKow
    SMX C10H11N3O3S 1.60/5.7 0.89
    CBZ C15H12N2O −0.5 1.9
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    表  2   孔隙介质的理化性质

    Table  2   Physical and chemical properties of porous media

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    表  3   吸附动力学方程拟合参数

    Table  3   Parameters of adsorption kinetics models for SMX and CBZ

    PhACs化合物 孔隙介质类型 Lagergren准二级吸附速率方程
    Qe (μg/g)
    Qe (μg/g)
    R2 相关系数
    SMX 粉土 0.94 1.06 1.04 0.971 0.985
    细砂 2.88 0.35 0.35 0.996 0.998
    CBZ 粉土 0.27 1.15 1.15 0.989 0.994
    细砂 1.66 0.41 0.49 0.996 0.998
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    表  4   不同孔隙介质对SMX和CBZ的等温吸附模型参数

    Table  4   Parameters of isothermal adsorption models for SMX and CBZ by different porous media

    等温吸附模型 参数 SMX CBZ
    粉土 细砂 粉土 细砂
    Freundlich KF [(μg/g)·(L/μg)n] 0.033 0.009 0.005 0.003
    n 0.363 0.504 0.759 0.732
    R2 0.930 0.810 0.966 0.989
    Langmuir KL (L/μg) 0.003 0.0017 4.56×10−4 4.55×10−4
    Qmax (μg/g) 0.57 0.37 3.15 1.57
    R2 0.984 0.902 0.983 0.996
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    表  5   细砂对SMX和CBZ的吸附热力学参数

    Table  5   Adsorption thermodynamic parameters of SMX and CBZ by fine sand

    污染物 θ
    SMX 35 −7.432 −0.00249 0.0241
    25 −7.191
    15 −6.950
    CBZ 35 −9.218 0.00499 0.0299
    25 −8.919
    15 −8.619
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