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Vanadium Isotope Composition of Rock Reference Materials by MC-ICP-MS

  • 摘要: 随着分析方法的发展和分析精度的提升,钒同位素已经越来越多地被用于各种地质过程研究。为了确保钒同位素分析测试过程中,可以有效地监控数据的准确度和精度,方便国际各实验室之间的数据对比,同时考虑到早期国际上常用美国地质调查局(USGS)的标准物质面临着库存不足等问题,本文采用多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(MC-ICP-MS)测定了一系列国际地质标准物质和国家地质标准物质的钒同位素组成,δ51V值的测试精度优于0.08‰。本文选取的标准物质主要来自日本地质调查局(GSJ)和中国地质科学院地球物理地球化学勘查研究所(IGGE),包括一个安山岩(JA-1),三个玄武岩(JB-3、JB-1b和GBW07105),一个辉长岩(JGb-1),一个辉绿岩(GBW07123)以及一个土壤(GBW07454),钒含量范围为77~635µg/g,涵盖了目前大部分火成岩和部分土壤等天然样品含量的范围。这些标准物质除了土壤GBW07454,其他标准物质的钒同位素组成未曾被报道。经测量表明,辉长岩标准物质JGb-1具有最高δ51V值,为−1.05‰±0.08‰,安山岩标准物质JA-1具有最低δ51V值,为−0.34‰±0.06‰,其余标准物质的δ51V值变化范围为−0.72‰~−0.81‰,均落在MORB范围内。本文对这些标准物质钒同位素组成的报道,丰富了钒同位素研究的标准物质数据库,有助于未来在更多领域开展钒同位素研究。


    Abstract: In order to ensure the accuracy and precision of data during the analysis of vanadium isotopes, and facilitate the comparison of data among laboratories internationally, considering the shortage of inventory for the commonly used reference materials from the United States Geological Survey (USGS), seven reference materials (JA-1, JB-3, JB-1b, JGb-1, GBW07105, GBW07123, and GBW07454) with unreported vanadium isotope composition were selected from the Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) and the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (IGGE) and their vanadium isotopes were measured using MC-ICP-MS. Among these reference materials, the gabbro reference material JGb-1 has the highest δ51V value of −1.05‰±0.08‰, and the andesite reference material JA-1 has the lowest δ51V (−0.34‰±0.06‰). The δ51V values of the other reference materials range from −0.72‰ to −0.81‰, all falling within the MORB range. The reporting of the vanadium isotopic composition of these reference materials in this article will enrich the database of vanadium isotopic research and contribute to the future study of vanadium isotopes in more fields. The BRIEF REPORT is available for this paper at http://www.ykcs.ac.cn/en/article/doi/10.15898/j.ykcs.202405280123.


