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Influencing Factors of Dissolved Organic Carbon Isotope Determination in Water Samples of a Karst Area by Wet Oxidation Method

  • 摘要: 溶解有机碳(DOC)是研究岩溶作用强度、岩溶碳源、汇特征与岩溶碳循环过程的重要指标。利用岩溶区DOC碳同位素值(δ13CDOC),可以精确计算岩溶流域的碳源和汇通量,这一参数对于全球气候变化研究至关重要。鉴于岩溶区水体中HCO3 含量较高,DOC含量较低且组分复杂,目前湿氧化法应用于测定岩溶区域水体中δ13CDOC值的检测方法尚未完善。本文采用GasBench Ⅱ与同位素比质谱分析(IRMS)联用技术,探讨了湿氧化法测试岩溶水体中δ13CDOC值的影响因素。针对不同市售纯水、顶空瓶与大气的平衡方式、DOC含量、水中碳酸氢根(HCO3 )去除,研究了这些因素对44CO2峰面积和δ13CDOC测量的影响。实验结果表明:不同空白纯水产生的44CO2峰面积存在显著差异,最大44CO2峰面积是最小44CO2峰面积的3.8倍。采用气密针与大气平衡的方式能增强样品信号强度,同时确保样品测试结果的内精度最优。水样用磷酸酸化至pH<3时,可以消除岩溶水体中HCO3 的影响。使用氮吹仪在250mL/min流速下吹扫5~10min,可以去除酸化后可能存在的游离CO2。在使用无菌双蒸水作为空白,气密针与大气平衡,磷酸酸化至pH<3,250mL/min流速吹扫5min的实验条件下,对于DOC含量大于2mg/L的岩溶区水样,经过空白校正,可以确保测试结果与标定参考值的偏差优于0.40‰。湿氧化法测定岩溶区水样中δ13CDOC的结果与总有机碳分析仪-稳定同位素质谱仪联机方法进行对比,测定结果差值小于0.30‰。利用湿氧化法测试岩溶区高HCO3 含量的δ13CDOC样品能够满足测试要求。


    Abstract: Due to the high content of HCO3 , low content of DOC and complex composition in the karst water, the current wet oxidation method for the determination of δ13CDOC needs to be improved. The study examined the impact of different pure waters, headspace bottle atmospheric equilibrium methods, DOC content, and the removal of bicarbonate (HCO3 ) in water on δ13CDOC values. The experimental results show significant differences in the 44CO2 peak areas produced by different blank pure waters, with the most prominent peak area being 3.8 times the smallest. Using a gas-tight syringe for atmospheric equilibrium enhances the sample signal strength and ensures the optimal internal precision of the sample test results. Acidifying the water samples to pH<3 with phosphoric acid eliminates the influence of HCO3 in karst waters. A nitrogen-blowing apparatus at a 250mL/min flow rate for 5−10min removes the free CO2 present after acidification. Under the above experimental conditions, the deviation between the test results and the calibrated reference values for karst water samples with DOC content greater than 2mg/L is better than 0.40‰ after blank correction. The difference in the measured results of δ13CDOC in karst water samples measured by the wet oxidation method compared to the total organic carbon analyzer-stable isotope mass spectrometer online method was less than 0.30‰. The BRIEF REPORT is available for this paper at http://www.ykcs.ac.cn/en/article/doi/10.15898/j.ykcs.202405130108.


