Influence of Rare Earth Terbium and Lanthanum Doping on the Lattice Field and Luminescence Performance of Gadolinium Oxysulfide
HIGHLIGHTS(1) Tb3+ doped Gd2O2S phosphors were prepared via the sulfur-melting method, and the impact of Tb3+ doping concentration on the fluorescence properties of Gd2O2S was studied.
(2) The rare earth ion La3+ was introduced to substitute the matrix ion Gd3+ in Gd2O2S, altering the crystal field environment surrounding Tb3+, effectively improved the fluorescence properties of Gd2O2S.
(3) The energy transfer mechanisms of Tb3+ and La3+ within the Gd2O2S matrix were explored, and the mechanism of action of rare earth ion doping on the Gd2O2S phosphor was analyzed.
Abstract:The main focus of this article lies in the investigation of gadolinium oxysulfide. By using the sulfur melting technique, fluorescent powder was created, with doping ions Tb3+ and La3+ of rare earth integrated. Various methods such as fluorescence spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction were employed to investigate how rare earth terbium and lanthanum doping impacts the lattice structure and luminescent capabilities of gadolinium oxysulfide. The experimental results indicate that the fluorescent powder has a pure hexagonal crystal structure. The luminescence intensity of the fluorescent powder reaches its maximum when the doping concentration of Tb3+ is 2mol%. When the La3+ doping concentration is 60mol%, the luminescence intensity is 1.9 times that of the undoped La3+ sample. Therefore, introducing rare earth Terbium and Lanthanum atoms can effectively improve the optical properties of fluorescent powders. The BRIEF REPORT is available for this paper at
1. 实验部分
1.1 稀土荧光粉的制备
1.2 实验仪器和测试条件
1.2.1 X射线衍射分析
利用 X 射线衍射仪(D/max-2500型,日本Rigaku公司)对荧光粉的物相组成与结构进行分析研究。仪器工作条件为:工作电压40kV,工作电流100mA,Ni 滤光片,石墨单色器,DS(发散狭缝)1°,SS(防散射狭缝)1°,RS(接收狭缝)0.1mm。波长0.154nm,连续扫描,步径为0.02°,扫描速度8°/min,采用Cu Kα射线,2θ角扫描范围为10°~80°。
1.2.2 光谱性能分析
2. 结果与讨论
2.1 Tb3+掺杂Gd2O2S荧光粉的物相与发光性能研究
2.1.1 Tb3+掺杂对Gd2O2S荧光粉物相组成的影响
表 1 两种硫氧化物的晶体结构参数比较Table 1. Comparison of crystal structure parameters of two kinds of oxysulfides硫氧化物 空间群 晶胞参数 密度Ρ
(nm)Tb2O2S P-3ml 0.3822 0.3822 0.6625 7.567 Gd2O2S 0.3852 0.3852 0.6667 7.330 对不同Tb3+掺杂浓度下(0.25mol%、0.75mol%、1mol%、2mol%、3mol%、4mol%)的荧光粉进行X射线衍射分析。从图3中可以看出,所有样品的衍射峰位置均与标准卡片JCPDS(No.26-1422)完全一致[13],没有其他的杂质峰,说明样品中Tb3+已完全掺入到基体的晶格中,且Tb3+的掺入并没有改变Gd2O2S的六方晶体结构。
2.1.2 Tb3+掺杂对Gd2O2S荧光粉发光性能的影响
2.1.3 Tb3+在Gd2O2S荧光粉基体中的浓度猝灭机理
$$ {R}_{\mathrm{T}\mathrm{b}-\mathrm{T}\mathrm{b}}\approx 2\times {\left[\frac{3V}{4\mathrm{\pi }{X}_{\mathrm{c}}N}\right]}^{1/3} $$ (1) 式中:V代表单个晶胞体积;Xc代表Tb3+掺杂的浓度;N则是指单个晶胞中阳离子的占比。Tb3+掺杂的Gd2O2S荧光粉中,V值为0.0857nm3;N值为2;Xc值为0.02。
$$ I\mathrm{\infty}\alpha^{\left(1-\frac{S}{d}\right)}\mathit{\Gamma}(1+\frac{S}{d}) $$ (2) $$ \mathrm{\alpha}=C\cdot\mathit{\mathrm{\mathit{\Gamma}}}\left(1-\frac{\mathrm{\mathit{S}}}{\mathit{\mathit{\mathrm{\mathit{d}}}}}\right)\left[\frac{\mathrm{\mathit{X}}_0\left(1+\mathrm{\mathit{A}}\right)}{\mathrm{\gamma}}\right]^{\mathrm{\mathit{d}}/\mathit{\mathrm{\mathit{S}}}} $$ (3) 式中:电多极级数为S;试样样本的维数为d,由于Tb3+之间的能量传递发生在晶体颗粒的内部,所以d值为3;Γ(1+S/d)是Γ函数[33];C是Tb3+掺杂量。
$$ \mathrm{l}\mathrm{o}\mathrm{g}\left(\frac{I}{C}\right)=-\frac{S}{d}\times \mathrm{l}\mathrm{o}\mathrm{g}C+\mathrm{l}\mathrm{o}\mathrm{g}f $$ (4) 式(4)中:当S分别等于6、8、10时,代表了电偶极跃迁相互作用、电偶极-电四级相互作用以及电四极跃迁相互作用。
2.2 稀土La3+掺杂对荧光粉晶格场及发光性能的影响
2.2.1 La3+掺杂对荧光粉物相组成的影响
图6是不同 La3+掺杂浓度(15mol%、30mol%、45mol%、60mol%)的荧光粉的X射线衍射谱图,当La3+掺杂量增加后,样品依然保持着纯粹的六方晶体结构。进一步观察X射线衍射谱图的细节部分,可以清楚地观察到峰的位置朝较低的角度发生偏移,同时相应的晶体尺寸也在增大。这是由于La3+的半径比Gd3+更大,因此引入La3+会导致晶格扩大,从而使晶胞参数也随之增大。
表 2 (LaxGd1-x)2O2S:Tb的晶粒尺寸(x=0.15、0.30、0.45、0.60)Table 2. Calculated crystalline size of (LaxGd1-x)2O2S:Tb phosphor (x=0.15, 0.30, 0.45, 0.60)荧光粉样品 晶粒尺寸(nm) Gd2O2S:Tb 106.2 (La0.15Gd0.85)O2S:Tb 88.9 (La0.30Gd0.70)O2S:Tb 50.3 (La0.45Gd0.55 )O2S:Tb 48.5 (La0.60 Gd0.40)O2S:Tb 37.3 图7是样品表面电子密度图。从图7b可以看出,晶格表面主要是带有负电荷的硫层,硫层的负电性增大,则排斥力也随之增强。为了更好地了解尺寸变化机理,利用密度泛函理论(DFT)计算了Gd2O2S、(La0.15Gd0.85)2O2S和(La0.6Gd0.4)2O2S的态密度(DOS),以及各个原子的态密度(PDOS)。本研究用Materials Srudio软件中的CASTEP模块对稀土Tb3+、La3+掺杂的Gd2O2S荧光粉的能带结构以及态密度进行计算。因为样品为六方晶体结构,P3ml空间群,晶格常数为a=0.3851nm,b=0.3851nm,c=0.6664nm,α=90°,β=90°,γ=120°。CASTEP (Cambridge sequential total energy package)是基于密度泛函方法(DFT)来进行量子力学的计算[35]。研究中选用了广义梯度近似的(GGA),基于DFT的第一性原理平面波超软赝势方法(Utrasoft pseudopotential)来模拟计算[36]。计算中,选取了各原子的价电子组态分别为Gd (4f75s25p65d16s2)、La (5s25p65d16s2)、S (3s23p4)以及O (2s22p4)[37],在倒易k空间中,平面波截断能量Ecut=360eV,收敛精度选取2×10−6eV。用Monkors-Park网格法进行K点选取,K网格大小为4×4×2,能量计算在倒易空间中进行,通过布里渊区的积分计算荧光粉的电子结构。通过Eg=1240/λg (eV) 计算,可以得出三种荧光粉的禁带宽度分别为4.22eV、3.82eV和3.52eV。PDOS的价带顶主要由氧元素的2p轨道以及硫元素的2p轨道组成;导带则由钆元素的5d轨道以及镧元素的5d轨道组成。
图 8 Gd2O2S, (La0.3Gd0.7)2O2S 以及(La0.6Gd0.4)2O2S的能带结构图、态密度图图中s、p、d、f分别代表s、p、d、f轨道对态密度的贡献。Figure 8. The band structure diagrams and density of states diagrams of Gd2O2S, (La0.3Gd0.7)2O2S and (La0.6Gd0.4)2O2S (s, p, d, and f represent the contributions of s, p, d, and f orbitals to the density of states, respectively)表3则是将Gd2O2S基体和Tb3+、La3+掺杂的Gd2O2S荧光粉中各原子对应的价态以及键长进行了对比。用Materials Srudio软件进行计算,发现均存在两种金属-氧键(Gd-O)。引入La3+后,荧光粉的键长相较于Gd2O2S更长,Gd2O2S中原子的价态更高。从掺入稀土离子后硫原子的负电性增强也可证实表面排斥力得到了增强。
表 3 Tb3+掺杂的Gd2O2S荧光粉以及(La0.3Gd0.7)2O2S的键长和各原子对应的价态Table 3. Bond length and charge of atoms of Gd2O2S:Tb and (La0.3Gd0.7)2O2S样品 键长 价态 Gd-O1 Gd-O2 Gd-S Gd S O Gd2O2S 2.263 2.704 2.859 0.95 −0.53 −0.69 (Gd0.7La0.3)2O2S 2.283 2.533 2.923 0.81 −0.56 −0.67/−0.79 2.2.2 La3+掺杂对荧光粉发光性能的影响
图9是不同 La3+掺杂浓度(0、15mol%、30mol%、45mol%、60mol%)的样品的荧光光谱图。在254nm激发下,稀土掺杂的Gd2O2S荧光粉的特征发射峰位置没有明显改变,发光强度随着La3+掺杂量的增加而逐渐增强,当La3+掺杂浓度为60mol%时,发光强度为未掺杂La3+时的1.9倍。
图10是不同 La3+掺杂浓度(15mol%、30mol%、45mol%、60mol%)的荧光粉在544nm下的激发光谱,并用高斯函数将Tb3+掺杂的Gd2O2S荧光粉、La3+掺杂量为30mol%的荧光粉以及Tb3+掺杂的La2O2S荧光粉的激发光谱宽峰进行拟合。其中,绿线为高斯函数曲线,红线为实验曲线,黑线为拟合曲线,方便观察掺杂La3+对荧光粉激发光谱的影响,可以看出,激发光谱随着La3+掺杂量的增加有逐渐蓝移的趋势。随着La3+掺杂量的增加,基质吸收中心(Gd3+)会逐渐向左移动,从而使得整个基质吸收带左移,故激发光谱发生蓝移。而吸收带的迁移又与晶格场环境有关,对于稀土离子来说,晶格场越强,吸收带越容易往低波段发生迁移[38]。结合图8,发现导带宽度的增加,使得原子轨道延展,会增强晶格场。此外,荧光粉的共价性减弱,使得稀土离子的离子性增强,离子间距离缩短,库伦力增大,基质吸收带向低波段移动。由此,随着La3+掺杂量的增加,逐渐增强的晶格场,使得荧光粉的激发光谱蓝移。
2.2.3 La3+掺杂对荧光粉晶体结构对称性的影响
图11是不同 La3+掺杂浓度(0mol%、15mol%、30mol%、45mol%、60mol%)样品在Tb3+ 544nm发射和254nm激发测得的荧光衰减曲线。Bedekar认为荧光衰减与发光中心离子数目、Gd2O2S基质中能量迁移以及杂质有关[39-40],且发光中心离子周围的晶格场环境会影响Tb3+的荧光衰减时间[40]。荧光粉的衰减时间会随着晶体结构对称性的增强而逐渐增长[41]。
$$ I\left(\tau\right)=\mathrm{\mathit{A}}+\mathrm{\rm{\mathit{B}}_1}\mathrm{e}\mathrm{x}\mathrm{p}(-t/\tau_1)+\mathrm{\mathit{B}_2}\mathrm{e}\mathrm{x}\mathrm{p}(-t/\tau_2) $$ (5) 由式(6)可以计算出荧光粉的平均荧光寿命[43]:
$$ \tau_{\mathrm{a}\mathrm{v}\mathrm{g}}=\frac{\rm{\mathit{B}}_1\tau_1^2+\mathrm{\mathit{B}_2}\tau_1^2}{\rm{\mathit{B}}_1\tau_1+\mathrm{\mathit{B}_2}\tau_2} $$ (6) 当不掺杂La3+以及La3+的掺杂量为15mol%、30mol%、45mol%、60mol%时,荧光寿命分别对应565μs、905μs、672μs、612μs以及589μs。当Tb3+掺杂的Gd2O2S荧光粉引入La3+后,La3+会破坏晶体原有的对称性,从而产生了晶格缺陷。但也正是由于晶格缺陷的出现,使得荧光粉的荧光寿命得到增长。当La3+的掺杂量为15mol%时,荧光寿命从Gd2O2S基体的565μs增至905μs。但对于发光中心离子Tb3+,La3+掺杂量增加会使Tb3+周围晶格场环境的不对称性增强,所以当La3+的掺杂量从15mol%逐渐增加至60mol%时,可以发现荧光粉的荧光寿命又逐渐降低,这也与图9发光规律一致。因此,在Tb3+掺杂的Gd2O2S荧光粉中,随着La3+掺杂量的增加,晶格场的对称性逐渐降低,光发射强度逐渐增强。
3. 结论
Factors such as the distinctive electron configuration in the 4f sub-layer electrons[1],the potent spin-orbit interaction force and the considerable atomic magnetic field strength enable rare earth metals to exhibit rich optical,electrical and physical properties. When the number of electrons in their 4f shell changes,they produce significant and diverse energy transfer phenomena,which enables them to absorb or emit light of different colors covering the entire visible light range[2]. This remarkable ability offers the potentiality for the preparation of high-performance fluorescent powders from rare earth metals[3-5]. Due to its unique layered structure and phonon energy as low as approximately 500cm−1,rare earth sulfur oxides exhibit extremely high melting points (typically between 2000-2200℃)[6] and narrow band gaps (approximately 4.6-4.8eV)[7],which give them high degree of chemical and thermal stability. Therefore,they are frequently utilized as matrix materials for fluorescent powders[8-9].This luminescent material made of rare earth sulfur oxides has garnered significant attention due to its excellent light absorption and transmission properties[10-12],and has been successfully applied in various fields such as optoelectronic devices,magnetic materials,catalysts,etc[13-15].
Rare earth sulfur oxides all possess a hexagonal crystal structure,and their chemical bonds exhibit a mixed state of covalent bonds and ionic bonds. The space group belongs to P3ml and possesses a relatively spacious spatial structure,capable of accommodating a certain number of interstitial ions and also create vacancies for both cations and anions. This enables their crystal structure to maintain a relatively stable state[16]. Researchers have recently conducted a comprehensive investigation into the physical and chemical properties of rare earth sulfur oxides,as well as their preparation methods,revealing that the particle morphology,size,and the ratio of raw materials are all significant factors. Meanwhile,The luminescent properties of rare earth sulfur oxides are influenced by the heat treatment temperature and flux selection[17-18]. Qian et al[19] synthesized Gd2O2S phosphors doped with Tb3+ and Sm3+ by hydrothermal method. The resulting phosphor exhibits a capsule-like morphology and a hexagonal crystal structure,coupled with excellent luminescent properties. By changing the ion concentration and the excitation wavelength,adjustable luminescence of various colors from green light to orange red light can be achieved. By changing the dopant ion concentration and the excitation wavelength,tunable luminescence of various colors from green light to orange red light can be achieved. Jiang et al[20] synthesized Tb3+ doped Gd2O2S phosphors in various morphologies,including flakes,spheres,squares,prisms,and rods by adjusting the pH value of the solution. The findings reveal that all these phosphor forms possess a pure hexagonal phase. As the shape varies,the band gap energy of the phosphor gradually increases from 3.76eV to 4.28eV,and the luminescence performance adjusts accordingly. Notably,phosphors with spherical and cubic microstructures exhibit superior luminescent properties,and the emission color of the resulting phosphors is significantly affected by the excitation source. Machado et al[21] investigated the synthesis of a series of Er3+ doped Gd2O2S phosphors and Er3+ and Yb3+ doped Gd2O2S phosphors using rapid microwave-assisted solid-phase method (MASS). Two distinct precursor compounds were employed,rare earth oxide (Ln2O3) and hydroxycarbonate [Ln(OH)CO3],with Ln representing Gd,Er,and Yb. The findings indicate that substituting Ln(OH)CO3 for the conventional Ln2O3 in MASS synthesis facilitates a uniform distribution of Er3+ and Yb3+ within the Gd2O2S matrix,resulting in enhanced upconversion luminescence properties. Moreover,the MASS method slashes preparation time by 79% and significantly reduces energy consumption by 93% compared to traditional solid-phase techniques.
The advantages of the sulfur melting method are its straightforward operation and its exceptional luminescence of the powder,but the samples are prone to agglomeration. Samples produced by this method typically have larger particle sizes,which decrease the packing density of the sample particles and increase the scattering rate of energy,leading to uneven light emission and poor resolution.
Consequently,the key to achieving high-quality gadolinium oxysulfide phosphor lies in obtaining particles that are small in size,have a narrow size distribution,and exhibit intense luminescence. In this study,we precisely measured gadolinium oxide,sublimated sulfur,anhydrous sodium carbonate,terbium oxide,and lanthanum oxide in accordance with the stoichiometric ratio. Mix the material with the agate balls,place it on a ball mill,and ball mill for 10 hours to ensure the material is thoroughly and evenly mixed. After the mixed material is dried,it is subjected to calcination in a high-temperature programmed furnace using a double crucible embedding method. The heat treatment temperature is set to heat from room temperature to 270℃ and hold for 1h,followed by an increase to 1100℃ and hold period of 3h,with a heating rate of 5℃/min. Cool the calcined powder naturally,place it in a beaker,wash it three times with deionized water and then suction filter it. After undergoing repeated washing and suction filtration three times,the sample was placed in a drying oven and dried at 80℃ for 12h. Subsequently,Tb3+ and La3+ doped Gd2O2S phosphor was obtained through sieving.
Utilizing the Rigaku Corporation’s D/max-2500 X-ray diffractometer,we conducted an assessment of the sample’s phase composition and structure. The operating conditions were as follows: working voltage 40kV,working current 100mA,Ni filter,graphite monochromator,DS (diverging slit) 1°,SS (anti scattering slit) 1°,RS (receiving slit) 0.1mm. The wavelength is 0.154nm,continuous scanning,step size of 0.02°,scanning speed of 8°/min,using Cu Kα rays,with a 2θ angle scanning range of 10°-80°. A fluorescence spectrophotometer (Lumina,Thermo Fisher Scientific,USA) was utilized to evaluate the excitation and emission spectra of the sample. The excitation spectrum was measured under 544nm monitoring,and the emission spectrum was measured under 254nm excitation. The slit width was set to 1nm,the detector voltage to 500V,and the scanning speed to 60nm/min. To avoid the impact of doubling peaks during the testing process,a 500nm filter was chosen. Wavelength accuracy was ≤0.5nm,and repeatability was ≤0.2nm.
The phosphor’s luminescence intensity is significantly influenced by the doping concentration of Tb3+. At doping concentration of Tb3+ ranging from 0.25mol% to 4mol%,the luminescence intensity at 544nm initially increased and subsequently decreased. At Tb3+ doping concentration of 2mol%,the luminescence intensity reaches its peak,as seen in Fig.4. As La3+ doping concentration rose,the XRD diffraction peak position of the phosphor (Gd1-xLax)2O2S:Tb,which had been partially replaced with La3+,shifted to a lower angle (seen in Fig.6).The corresponding unit cell parameters gradually increased. Based on density functional theory (DFT) and Mott-David theory,calculations have shown that the band gap of (Gd1-xLax)2O2S:Tb diminishes with an increase in the concentration of La3+ increases (Fig.8). As the doping concentration of La3+ increasing from 15mol% to 60mol%,the luminescence intensity of the emission spectrum increases gradually under the excitation of 254nm (Fig.9). Upon measuring the decay time of phosphors,it has been observed that the symmetry of crystals progressively diminishes as the concentration of La3+ doping increases,(Fig.11).
图 8 Gd2O2S, (La0.3Gd0.7)2O2S 以及(La0.6Gd0.4)2O2S的能带结构图、态密度图
Figure 8. The band structure diagrams and density of states diagrams of Gd2O2S, (La0.3Gd0.7)2O2S and (La0.6Gd0.4)2O2S (s, p, d, and f represent the contributions of s, p, d, and f orbitals to the density of states, respectively)
表 1 两种硫氧化物的晶体结构参数比较
Table 1 Comparison of crystal structure parameters of two kinds of oxysulfides
硫氧化物 空间群 晶胞参数 密度Ρ
(nm)Tb2O2S P-3ml 0.3822 0.3822 0.6625 7.567 Gd2O2S 0.3852 0.3852 0.6667 7.330 表 2 (LaxGd1-x)2O2S:Tb的晶粒尺寸(x=0.15、0.30、0.45、0.60)
Table 2 Calculated crystalline size of (LaxGd1-x)2O2S:Tb phosphor (x=0.15, 0.30, 0.45, 0.60)
荧光粉样品 晶粒尺寸(nm) Gd2O2S:Tb 106.2 (La0.15Gd0.85)O2S:Tb 88.9 (La0.30Gd0.70)O2S:Tb 50.3 (La0.45Gd0.55 )O2S:Tb 48.5 (La0.60 Gd0.40)O2S:Tb 37.3 表 3 Tb3+掺杂的Gd2O2S荧光粉以及(La0.3Gd0.7)2O2S的键长和各原子对应的价态
Table 3 Bond length and charge of atoms of Gd2O2S:Tb and (La0.3Gd0.7)2O2S
样品 键长 价态 Gd-O1 Gd-O2 Gd-S Gd S O Gd2O2S 2.263 2.704 2.859 0.95 −0.53 −0.69 (Gd0.7La0.3)2O2S 2.283 2.533 2.923 0.81 −0.56 −0.67/−0.79 -
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