The Morphological Characteristics of Clay Minerals in Tight Sandstone Reservoir by Atomic Force Microscopy
HIGHLIGHTS(1) Atomic Force microscopy (AFM) overcomes the influence of surface charge of clay minerals and accurately characterizes the surface nanometer/sub-nanometer morphology of clay minerals, which is an effective method for micro-region morphology observation.
(2) Crystal surface steps are developed on the surface of clay minerals in Xujiahe tight sandstone in western Sichuan, which is the main component of nanopores.
(3) The thickness of different clay mineral growth layers in the same diagenetic stage is different, and there is a spatial coupling relationship between diagenesis and diagenesis.
Abstract:Tight sandstone gas is an important part of unconventional oil and gas resources, and the study of its reservoir mineralogy has always been a hot spot in the field of unconventional oil and gas research. Clay minerals, as one of the main components of tight sandstone reservoirs, are mainly studied by electron microscopy at present, but due to the influence of their surface charge absorption and the secondary modification of conductive film on the sample surface, it is difficult to accurately characterize their surface topography. However, the pore size of the main body of tight sandstone reservoir is 20-500nm, and clay minerals are one of the main minerals for the development of nano-pores. With the deepening of the research on micro-nano pore system of tight sandstone reservoir, the study on nano-morphology characteristics of clay minerals is becoming more and more important for the evaluation of tight sandstone reservoir. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the nanometer/sub-nanometer morphology of clay minerals for reservoir evaluation. In this paper, atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to observe that the clay minerals of the mixed layer of Yimon developed parallel step stripes in the late diagenesis stage of the tight sandstone of Xujiahe Formation in Western Sichuan, and a large number of nano-pores were formed in the two sides of the steps, which are the main components of inorganic nano-pores. The chlorite is an ideal crystal growth state with flat surfaces and straight edges. The growth layers are regularly stacked without gaps in the longitudinal direction, and the crystals are in a stable state. The illite developed parallel step stripes or corrugated steps, and the crystal form was irregular and in a metastable state. Secondly, the clay minerals in the late diagenetic stage of the Xujiahe Formation in Western Sichuan have similar structural backgrounds and the same diagenetic evolution sequence. However, AFM has observed that different types of clay minerals in the late diagenetic stage of the Xujiahe Formation in Western Sichuan have different crystal morphology and the degree of ladder development of crystal faces, indicating that there is a spatial coupling relationship between the morphology characteristics of clay minerals and diagenesis. The BRIEF REPORT is available for this paper at
- atomic force microscope /
- tight sandstone /
- aemon mixed layer clay /
- chlorite /
- illite /
- growth ladder /
- Xujiahe Formation in Western Sichuan
BRIEF REPORTSignificance Tight sandstone gas,as an important part of unconventional oil and gas resources,is the main substitute for conventional oil and gas resources. The study of mineralogical characteristics of tight sandstone reservoirs has always been a hot spot in the field of unconventional oil and gas. Clay minerals are one of the main constituent minerals of tight sandstone reservoirs. Focusing on the morphological characteristics of clay minerals can not only establish a correspondence between different stages of sedimentary rock formation and the morphological characteristics of clay minerals,but also trace the influence of temperature,impurities,and atomic behavior on the micro-morphological features of crystals during crystal growth,providing a basis for research on sedimentary environments and reservoir evaluation,with significant research significance. The fine characterization of the etch image of quartz surface was carried out using AFM,revealing nanoscale rims and dislocations grooves,shells,and sub-nanometer/nanometer scale morphological features of feldspar surfaces,confirming the edge migration model of silicate dissolution and growth,and revealing the mechanism of crystal growth.
Methods Grind the sample to a mesh size of 200,extract clay minerals from the sedimentary rock according to the “X-ray Diffraction Analysis Method for Clay Minerals and Common Non-clay Minerals in Sedimentary Rocks” (SY/T 5163—2018),and prepare a 5% solution of the extracted clay minerals. Drop the solution onto a clean cover slip and allow it to air dry. Test using a Park NX10 atomic force microscope,setting the test parameters as follows: scanning frequency of 0.15Hz to 0.4Hz,threshold (Setpoint) of 20 nm,XY scanning range of 100μm×100μm,and Z scanning range of 15μm.
Data and Results The Imen Clay is one of the main clay minerals in the Xijiahe Formation of the Sichuan Basin,with crystal edges showing partial dissolution in the form of a bay,not the ideal face-flat,edge-straight crystal growth terminal state. The intercrystal spacing is generally in an upper-loose,lower-dense pattern,with growth layers stacked in three-dimensional space,forming a stepped surface (S-face) with a large number of nanometer-scale micro-pores at its three concave corners. The Imen Clay clay mineral has well-developed stepped growth,with stepped intercrystal spacing concentrated in the ranges of ±0.6nm at the upper part of the crystal and 0.3-0.8nm at the lower part. Chlorite is a major clay mineral in the compact sandstone of the Xijiahe Formation in Sichuan Basin,mainly present in two forms: one is a face-flat,edge-straight near-hexagonal ideal crystal growth terminal state,with growth layers stacked in a regular pattern without voids in the vertical direction; the other is an irregular spindle shape,with near-hexagonal crystal growth layers interlaced in the vertical direction,with growth layer thickness around 5nm. Illite is a major self-formed mineral in the compact sandstone of the Xijiahe Formation in the late diagenesis stage,with a large number of parallel stepped grooves or wavy stepped grooves on the crystal surface,with the three concave corners of the stepped grooves being the main nanoporous components of the compact sandstone reservoir. Additionally,impurity atoms are adsorbed by the stepped grooves during crystal growth,causing partial or slowed growth of some illite growth layers,resulting in overlapping growth layers,thus leading to illite growth layers being 5 times thicker than the single atomic molecular layer.
The Imen Clay clay mineral is mainly developed in the compact sandstone reservoir of the Xijiahe Formation in Sichuan Basin,with parallel stepped stripes on the crystal surface and smooth crystal surfaces on the illite crystal faces. Chlorite is well-shaped.
目前用于表征矿物表面纳米形貌特征研究的核心方法主要有电子显微术、超分辨光学显微术与扫描探针显微术[4-6]。电子显微术作为一种主要的微区形貌观测手段,可对微米/纳米尺度的结构进行定性表征,运用该方法可观察到高岭石、伊利石等黏土矿物的形态特征[7],在成岩历史恢复[8]、热液蚀变研究、结晶习性[9-10]、油气生成[11]、运移及聚集等的研究中起着关键性作用然而该方法主要是在二维平面对矿物形貌进行定性表征,无法对显微结构进行定量分析。此外,该方法受样品导电性的制约,无法直接观察黏土矿物的形貌特征,更无法真实地呈现黏土矿物表面纳米/亚纳米尺度的结构特征。超分辨光学显微术主要通过可见光振幅的变化或偏振光的干涉对矿物表面的微形貌进行观察,前人利用该方法观察到绿柱石、金刚石、磁铁矿、黄铁矿、闪锌矿、沸石等矿物表面的螺旋位错结构,揭示了矿物形貌与生长机理间的相关关系,推动了矿物生长理论的发展。但是该方法观察对象局限在解理面这类平坦表面,无法对粗糙、凹凸不平的表面进行观察[6-14]。所以电子显微术与超分辨光学显微术在黏土矿物形貌精细表征与定量分析研究中存在一定的缺陷。原子力显微镜(AFM)作为第三代扫描探针显微镜,在纵、横向具有超高分辨率,不仅可同时观察矿物在二维平面与三维空间的形貌特征,还可对矿物形貌特征进行定量分析,是一种强有力的表面形貌观察手段。近年Gratz等[13]利用AFM对石英表面的蚀像进行了精细表征,观察到纳米级的突缘与位错沟,证实了硅酸盐溶解和生长的突缘运动模型。Hochella等[15]利用AFM观察到赤铁矿表面的波状起伏现象,揭示了矿物表面的断口效应。Friedbacher等[16]和Jr Eggleston等[17]和Johnson等[18]分别利用AFM观察到Stultorum贝壳和钠长石表面形貌特征,揭示了晶体生长机制。上述研究成果促进了矿物表面纳米/亚纳米尺度形貌特征的研究,使矿物表面生长形貌特征的研究日趋精细化。而且,AFM方法克服了黏土矿物在层间交换性阳离子及离子力的作用下形成团聚体及单晶难以剥离的影响,可直接观察黏土矿物表面微形貌特征,从而揭示晶体表面纳米/亚纳米形貌及孔隙结构特征,因此,该方法近年被逐渐应用于非常规油气储层评价工作中[19]。
1. 实验部分
1.1 实验样品
1.2 样品制备
将致密砂岩粉碎至200目,按照《沉积岩中黏土矿物和常见非黏土矿物X射线衍射分析方法》(SY/T 5163—2018)进行黏土提取,将提取的黏土矿物配制成浓度为5%的溶液,滴于干净的载玻片,待自然风干后用于测试。
1.3 实验方法
实验采用Park NX10原子力显微镜,横向分辨率0.05nm,纵向分辨率0.015nm,扫描频率0.15~0.4Hz,阈值(Setpoint)为20nm,XY扫描范围100μm×100μm,Z扫描范围15μm。在原子力显微镜扫描过程中,由于黏土矿物局部仍然存在团聚现象,形成表面的异常凸起,因此参数的选择兼顾不同扫描区域下仪器的分辨率与黏土矿物团聚体的大小,避免扫描过程中污染纳米探针,从而影响图像质量。
2. 结果与讨论
2.1 伊蒙混层黏土矿物的形貌特征
图 1 伊蒙混层黏土矿物形貌特征Figure 1. Morphological characteristics of mixed layer of clay minerals: (a) Three-dimensional stacking of the growth layer of mixed layer clay; (b) Transverse morphology characteristics of the growth layer of mixed layer clay; (c) Longitudinal morphology characteristics of the growth layer of mixed layer clay伊蒙混层作为一常规与非常规油气储层中常见的混层黏土矿物,观察其形貌特征对于储层物理特性研究具有重要意义。前人利用电子显微术、超分辨光学显微术观察到伊蒙混层黏土矿物主要呈棉絮状包膜、薄膜状、栉壳状等形态特征,进而阐述了其晶面条纹的成因、晶体生长机制[4,7,23]。本次研究利用原子力显微镜观察到晶体亚纳米生长层在二维平面的展布特征与三维空间的堆垛规律[21]。根据伊蒙混层黏土形貌特征,结合晶体周期性键链(PBC)理论,在图1a-C中的晶面为伊蒙混层黏土矿物晶体生长层在三维空间堆垛形成的阶梯面(S面),该晶面与平坦面(F面)相邻,属于亚稳定状态的晶面,表明川西须家河组晚成岩阶段的伊蒙混层黏土矿物中伊利石与蒙脱石虽然是两种独立物相在二维平面紧密共生,但处于一个不稳定状态,再结合伊利石、蒙脱石晶体内部空间格子构造及晚成岩阶段伊利石、蒙脱石外部稳定赋存环境,可知该成岩阶段中伊蒙混层黏土中的两种黏土矿物处于一个动态转化过程,该晶面在伊蒙混层黏土中较发育,形成了大量的纳米孔隙,是致密砂岩中主要的纳米级储集空间。在伊利石生长过程中,由于晶面生长向外平行推移,在图1a中A、B形成了砂钟状构造,结合科赛尔-斯特兰斯基层生长理论,说明伊利石生长过程中物质浓度过饱和[22-24]。但是,不论是伊利石晶体还是蒙脱石晶体,其晶棱局部均呈溶蚀港湾状,而不是理想的面平棱直的晶体生长终态,表明晶体在生长过程中物质浓度发生了轻微的变化,导致晶棱出现不同程度的溶蚀,使得局部呈溶蚀港湾状。此外,伊蒙混层黏土矿物阶梯间距与单原子分子层厚度相当,表明伊蒙混层黏土矿物的基本结构单元为单原子层所组成,其生长机理是结晶微粒以晶核为中心二维附着生长并延展[22]。
2.2 绿泥石矿物的形貌特征
2.3 伊利石矿物的形貌特征
3. 结论
图 1 伊蒙混层黏土矿物形貌特征
Figure 1. Morphological characteristics of mixed layer of clay minerals: (a) Three-dimensional stacking of the growth layer of mixed layer clay; (b) Transverse morphology characteristics of the growth layer of mixed layer clay; (c) Longitudinal morphology characteristics of the growth layer of mixed layer clay
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