Geochemical Characteristics and Water Content of Melt Inclusions in the Tuff of the Tiaojishan Formation, Liujiang Basin
HIGHLIGHTS(1) The establishment of a calibration curve is crucial for the quantitative determination of water content in melt inclusions using laser Raman spectroscopy.
(2) The water content of melt inclusions has a strong linear relationship with Raman spectroscopy parameters, allowing a calibration curve to be established with only a few standard samples.
(3) The average water content of melt inclusions in the tuffaceous rocks from the Tiaojishan Formation in the Liujiang Basin is 2.62%, indicating an acidic, water-enriched magmatic system.
Abstract:Water, as the primary volatile component in magmatic systems, has a significant impact on the formation and evolution of magma. The Tiaojishan Formation igneous rocks in the Liujiang Basin are significant products of Yanshanian volcanic activity. Although previous studies have extensively explored their geochemical characteristics, the water content of the magma in the Liujiang Basin during Yanshanian volcanic activity remains unclear. Melt inclusions, which capture the original magmatic information, serve as the most direct samples for determining the water content of magma. Based on geochemical analysis, this study quantitatively determines the water content in melt inclusions using laser Raman spectroscopy with standard samples. The results show that the lower tuff samples of the Tiaojishan Formation are characterized by high Si and Al contents, enrichment in LILEs, depletion in HFSEs, enrichment in LREEs, and depletion in HREEs. The water content in melt inclusions reveals a range of 0.99% to 4.98%, with an average of 2.62%. These characteristics jointly indicate the water-enriched acidic magmatic activity during the early Tiaojishan period in this area. Combining the water content of melt inclusions with the large-scale volcanic eruptions in the stage, this study suggests that high water content in the magma enhanced the eruptive dynamics of the magmatic system, making it a contributing factor to the large-scale volcanic eruption. The BRIEF REPORT is available for this paper at
- Liujiang Basin /
- Tiaojishan Formation /
- tuff /
- melt inclusions /
- water content /
- laser Raman spectroscopy
BRIEF REPORTSignificance: Water (H2O) is the most significant volatile component in natural magmatic systems, playing a vital role in shaping the physical and chemical properties of magma. Its presence significantly affects magma viscosity, melting point, and crystallization. Therefore, water exerts a controlling influence over the overall trends of magmatic differentiation and evolution, guiding the chemical evolution of the magma as it cools and solidifies over time[1-3]. Melt inclusions, as snapshots of magma during geological periods, can preserve the original characteristics of the magma, making them the most direct geological samples for assessing water content in magmas[6-8]. Studying the water content in melt inclusions not only reveals the processes of magmatic differentiation and evolution, but also provides critical evidence for understanding the characteristics of magmatic activity.
Despite the importance of water in influencing magmatic processes, current studies on the water content in Mesozoic volcanic rocks, specifically within the Yanshanian Orogen, remain limited. The Tiaojishan Formation volcanics are among the most representative calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of the Mesozoic Yanshanian Orogen, marking the onset of large-scale volcanic eruptions during the Yanshan period[20]. Although extensive research has focused on the geochemistry of these volcanic rocks, the water content within the Tiaojishan Formation’s volcanics is not well-understood[21-25]. This knowledge gap limits our understanding of how water influences magma behavior during large-scale volcanic events of the Yanshan period.
This study addresses the gap by quantifying the water content in melt inclusions from tuff in the Lower Tiaojishan Formation (J2t), an early volcanic product of the Yanshanian Orogen. Utilizing micro-laser Raman spectroscopy, which allows high-resolution, rapid, and non-destructive water content measurement, the study provides quantitative petrochemical data essential for understanding magmatic processes in this region. Our findings advance the understanding of water’s role in regional magmatic differentiation, contributing key insights into the volcanic activity of the Yanshanian Orogen.
Methods: The tuff samples used in this study were collected from the lower part of the Tiaojishan Formation outcrop in the Liujiang Basin, Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province. All experiments were conducted at the National Key Laboratory of Deep Oil and Gas of China University of Petroleum (East China). A Leica DM2700P microscope was used for microscopic observation, while IRIS Intrepid Ⅱ XSP ICP-OES and ELAN9000 ICP-MS were employed for the analysis of major and trace elements. For microscopic laser Raman spectroscopy testing, a LABRAM HR EVO Laser Raman Spectrometer manufactured by HORIBA FRANCE SAS was utilized.
The microscopic laser Raman spectroscopy experiments are conducted with a laser power of 30mW, an integration time of 30s, and each measurement was integrated three times. To enhance the accuracy of the experimental outcomes, the Raman spectra are subjected to a detailed processing procedure. This process involves several critical steps, beginning with intensity correction, which adjusts the spectral data to account for any fluctuations in laser power or detector sensitivity. Following this, baseline correction is applied to remove any background noise or interference, ensuring that the true signal is accurately isolated. Finally, bands integration is performed, where the area under specific peaks within the spectrum is calculated, allowing for a precise quantification of the target components. Acidic silicate glass exhibits a strong LF470 Raman peak height/intensity (Fig.2), and AWF/ALF is preferentially selected as the optimal calibration parameter[11,19]. Subsequently, a crucial calibration curve for water content is established with the glass standards synthesized by Professor Gao Xiaoying’s team from University of Science and Technology of China. Nine well-preserved primary melt inclusions were carefully selected under a microscope for analysis. These inclusions underwent rigorous testing and detailed data processing, during which their water content was meticulously calculated based on the data.
Data and Results: The experimental results obtained by petrographic observation, analysis of major and trace elements and microscopic laser Raman spectroscopy are shown in the following two parts.
(1) Petrological and geochemical characteristics
The tuff from the lower part of the Tiaojishan Formation is classified as Rhyolite lithic-crystalline tuff, characterized by a blocky texture. It predominantly comprises crystal fragments (35%), rock fragments (25%) and matrix (40%). The crystal fragments are mainly composed of quartz and feldspar, with particle sizes reaching up to 1.8mm; The rock fragments consist mainly of rhyolite debris, with particle sizes ranging from 0.5 to 2mm. The matrix is composed of fine dust and volcanic ash.
The major and trace element analysis results of the whole-rock tuff samples are presented in Table 2 and Table 3, respectively. The samples are marked by high concentrations of Si and Al, enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs), and depletion in high field strength elements (HFSEs) (Fig.4b). The samples also exhibit enrichment in light rare earth elements (LREEs) and depletion in heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) (Fig.4c), along with a negative Eu anomaly and low Sr content. The TAS diagram (Fig.4a) positions the tuff within the rhyolite field, suggesting its formation is closely associated with acidic magmatic activity. The Ta/Yb-Th/Yb diagram (Fig.4d) places the samples within the active continental margin, inferring that the study area was significantly influenced by oceanic subduction and magmatic activity during this period.
(2) Characteristics of melt inclusions and water content in the tuff
The melt inclusions are primarily isolated and randomly distributed within the lattice defects of quartz phenocrysts, indicative of their primary magmatic origin. These inclusions appear colorless or pale yellow, and exhibit a variety of morphologies, including polygonal (Fig.5a, b), ellipsoidal (Fig.5c, d), and oval shapes (Fig.5e), with diameters varying between 30μm and 165μm. Based on their phase characteristics, the melt inclusions can be categorized into three types: (1)glassy+crystalline melt inclusions (Fig.5a), (2)glassy+bubble-bearing melt inclusions (Fig.5b, d), and (3)glassy melt inclusions (Fig.5c, e). The melt inclusions contain either no or only a few small vapor bubbles, indicating their formation in a volcanic facie with a relatively rapid cooling rate[6,43-44].
Water peaks were identified at 3100−3800cm−1; in the nine melt inclusions, with no detection of CO2 or other volatiles (Fig.5f). According to Bowen’s reaction series[45], quartz forms in the late stage of magmatic fractional crystallization, and the composition of melt inclusions captured by quartz closely resembles the pre-eruption magma. In other words, the water content in these melt inclusions reflects the water content in the magma before the eruption[2].
The calibration equation for water content is CH2O=1.26×(AWF/ALF) with R2=0.998 (Fig.3). After processing the micro-laser Raman spectra of the nine melt inclusions, the results (AWF, ALF) are substituted into the water content calibration curve equation [Equation (2)]. Calculations were performed using Excel, and the water content results for the melt inclusions are presented in Table 4. The results indicate that the water content in the melt inclusions within quartz crystal fragments in the tuff from the Tiaojishan Formation in the Liujiang Basin ranges from 0.99% to 4.98%, with an average of 2.62% (Table 4). A comparison with statistical data provided by Li et al.[1] shows that most ultrabasic to basic magmas have a water content ranging from 0 to 0.8%, while intermediate magmas typically range from 0.4% to 2.8%, with an average of 2.26%, and the water content in acidic magmas generally falls between 0.8% and 5.6%, with an average of 2.712%. The high-water content observed in the melt inclusions from the lower Tiaojishan Formation tuff in the Liujiang Basin suggests that the magma transited into an acidic state in the late stage of its evolution.
1. 研究区地质概况
2. 实验部分
2.1 样品及处理
2.2 样品测试
2.2.1 显微观察
2.2.2 主量和微量元素分析
样品全岩主量和微量元素分析测试在中国石油大学(华东)深层油气全国重点实验室完成。全岩主量元素采用IRIS Intrepid Ⅱ XSP电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP-OES)进行测试;微量元素和稀土元素使用ELAN9000电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)进行测试。用于本次测试的凝灰岩样品为TJS-1和TJS-2,对每块样品分别进行两次测试,以保证数据可靠性,测试偏差小于1%。
2.2.3 显微激光拉曼光谱分析
人工合成硅酸盐玻璃标准样品和髫髻山组熔体包裹体样品的显微激光拉曼光谱测试在中国石油大学(华东)深层油气全国重点实验室完成。用于测试的人工合成玻璃标样依次命名为标样1~标样4,熔体包裹体则按照MI-1至MI-9顺序依次编号。为降低实际样品薄片中的黏合剂对实验的干扰,测试前使用丙酮溶液浸泡清洗薄片,风干后进行实验测试分析。实验仪器为LABRAM HR EVO型激光拉曼光谱仪(法国HORIBA FRANCE SAS公司),使用的激光光源波长为532nm,光栅1800gr/mm,光谱分辨率≤0.65cm−1,测试精度小于±0.1cm−1,实验环境温度为20℃,湿度为50%。
2.3 测试数据质量控制
2.3.1 拉曼光谱参数设置
2.3.2 拉曼图谱数据处理
2.3.3 标准样品应用
2.3.4 参数标定
图 2 不同水含量人工合成流纹质玻璃的拉曼光谱红色实线为5.27% H2O人工合成标准样品的拉曼谱图;橙色实线为4.09% H2O人工合成标准样品的拉曼谱图;绿色实线为2.26% H2O人工合成标准样品的拉曼谱图;蓝色实线为1.48% H2O人工合成标准样品的拉曼谱图。LF-250cm−1~700cm−1为低波段谱带;HF-850cm−1~1300cm−1为高波段谱带;WF-3000cm−1~3800cm−1为总水谱带。Figure 2. Raman spectra of artificially synthesized rhyolitic glasses with different water content2.4 熔体包裹体水含量定量分析
2.4.1 含水玻璃标样拉曼光谱特征谱带
人工合成含水玻璃标准样品由中国科学技术大学壳幔物质与环境重点实验室提供,标样1~标样4分别为5.27% H2O、4.09% H2O、2.26% H2O 和1.48% H2O的实际测试样品,分别对应Tu等[19]的样品RH-8、RH-7、RH-5和RH-4。对人工合成含水玻璃标准样品进行显微激光拉曼光谱测试,拉曼光谱图显示,含水玻璃拉曼光谱具有三个特征谱带(图2),与前人实验结果一致[16-17,19]。在硅酸盐玻璃的低波段谱带中,最明显的谱带在470cm−1处,这是由于桥氧(T—O—T;T=Si,Al)的弯曲振动引起的[16-17]。而高波段谱带则与非桥氧(T—O;T=Si,Al)的拉伸振动有关[28-32]。在总水谱带中,在3540~3620cm−1的宽带则是因为O—H和H2Om伸缩振动的共同作用[33-34]。
2.4.2 拉曼图谱数据处理方法
使用Origin 2018软件对拉曼光谱图进行以下光谱处理。
$$ I=I_{{\mathrm{o b s}}}\left\{\dfrac{v_{0}^{3}\left[1-\exp \left(-\dfrac{h c v}{K T}\right)\right] v}{\left(v_{\mathrm{0}}-v\right)^{4}}\right\} $$ (1) 式中:Iobs为测量强度;v0为入射激光的波数(v0=18797cm−1);h为普朗克常数(6.62607×10−34J·s);c为光速(2.9979×1010cm/s);K为玻尔兹曼常数(1.38065×10−23J/K);T为绝对温度。
2.4.3 熔体包裹体水含量标定曲线
前人研究证明,硅酸盐玻璃的水含量与其拉曼参数之间存在良好的线性关系[16-17,19],但由于不同激光拉曼光谱仪的效率因子不同,其线性关系的系数会存在差异。因此,不同仪器的AWF/ALF值之间也存在良好的线性关系。通过4个人工合成标准样品确定本文实际测量值AWF/ALF与Tu等[19]测得的AWF/ALF*之间的线性关系,可以得到11个标准样品的AWF/ALF值(表1),然后使用Origin 2018软件对标准样品进行AWF/ALF-CH2O线性拟合,得到的熔体包裹体水含量(CH2O)标定曲线如图3所示,其方程表示如下:
表 1 不同水含量人工合成含水硅酸盐玻璃标准样品的积分面积等参数测量结果Table 1. Measurement results of integrated area and other parameters of artificially synthesized water-containing silicate glasses standard samples with different water content人工合成含水玻璃
(%)RH-1(Tu等,2023) / / 1.0700 0.3726 0.33 RH-2(Tu等,2023) / / 1.3300 0.4631 0.41 RH-3(Tu等,2023) / / 1.8400 0.6407 0.58 RH-4(Tu等,2023) / / 3.2600 1.1351 1.48 RH-5(Tu等,2023) / / 4.9400 1.7201 2.26 RH-6(Tu等,2023) / / 6.3100 2.1971 3.01 RH-7(Tu等,2023) / / 8.5100 2.9632 4.09 RH-8(Tu等,2023) / / 11.7800 4.1018 5.27 RH-9(Tu等,2023) / / 14.3000 4.9793 6.35 RH-10(Tu等,2023) / / 15.4400 5.3762 6.84 RH-11(Tu等,2023) / / 21.3100 7.4201 9.05 标准样品1 292.6424 1264.846 / 4.3222 5.27 标准样品2 244.9186 776.2908 / 3.1696 4.09 标准样品3 229.9241 374.9651 / 1.6308 2.26 标准样品4 189.5898 250.3734 / 1.3206 1.48 注:RH-1至RH-11为Tu等[19]测试样品;标样1至标样4为本文中的实际测试样品,分别对应Tu等[19]的样品RH-8、RH-7、RH-5、RH-4。“/”代表本文未使用的数据。 $$ C_{\mathrm{H}_2\mathrm{O}_t}=1.26\times\left(\frac{A_{\mathrm{WF}}}{A_{\mathrm{LF}}}\right)\quad R^2=0.998 $$ (2) 3. 结果与讨论
3.1 岩石学与地球化学特征
3.1.1 岩石学特征
3.1.2 岩石主量和微量元素地球化学特征
表 2 髫髻山组凝灰岩全岩主量元素测试结果Table 2. Analytical results of major elements in tuff of the Tiaojishan Formation凝灰岩样品
合计(%)TJS-1 1.45 1.29 13.02 75.18 0.03 2.60 1.10 0.14 0.04 2.28 3.38 4.04 100.48 TJS-2 1.67 0.65 12.61 77.14 0.02 2.58 0.14 0.14 0.03 1.06 3.04 4.24 99.07 注:为确保测试结果的可靠性,实验数据取同一样品两次测试结果的平均值。 柳江盆地髫髻山组凝灰岩样品全岩微量元素分析结果见表3。原始地幔标准化蛛网图(图4b)显示,大离子亲石元素(Rb、Th、U、K)富集,高场强元素(Ta、Nb、Ti、Zr、P)亏损,具明显Pb正异常,Sr负异常,弱Ba、La、Ce负异常;稀土元素球粒陨石标准化曲线(图4c)呈海鸥式展布,具明显Eu负异常,说明岩浆演化过程中存在明显的斜长石分离结晶作用;稀土元素配分模式为右倾型,呈现轻稀土富集、重稀土亏损的特点。(La/Sm)N平均值为6.77,(Gd/Yb)N平均值为1.88,表明轻稀土分馏程度高而重稀土分馏程度较低;(La/Yb)N平均值为15.65,轻重稀土分馏明显。李伍平等[21]对燕山造山带中-晚侏罗世髫髻山期火山岩进行研究发现,冀北髫髻山期流纹岩样品具有轻稀土元素强烈富集、重稀土元素强烈亏损、负Eu异常、Sr含量低(94~135μg/g)等特征,与本研究中凝灰岩样品的岩石地球化学特征相似。Ta/Yb-Th/Yb图解(图4d)投点落在活动大陆边缘,指示该时期研究区受洋壳俯冲的影响,岩浆活动强烈。(La/Nb)N平均值为1.06[原始地幔(La/Nb)N值约为0.96,平均大陆壳(La/Nb)N值为2.5[39]],指示成岩过程中受到一定地壳混染作用。上述地球化学特征与前人的研究结果[20,40-41]一致,即实验样品可以在一定程度上反映研究区髫髻山期早期的岩浆活动特征。
表 3 髫髻山组凝灰岩全岩微量元素测试结果Table 3. Analytical results of trace elements in tuff of the Tiaojishan Formation凝灰岩样品
(μg/g)TJS-1 29.75 4.72 17.15 3.84 6.09 7.14 1.26 3.90 2.57 36.30 19.25 1.68 0.41 76.35 139.50 TJS-2 10.46 3.78 15.55 4.89 6.59 4.43 0.72 1.69 2.39 18.56 17.55 0.80 0.47 74.13 97.87 凝灰岩样品
(μg/g)TJS-1 16.75 112.50 26.30 2.24 0.09 1.39 451.50 32.45 63.90 7.16 23.90 4.84 0.31 4.04 0.61 TJS-2 13.50 100.77 27.64 1.80 0.04 0.99 386.05 24.29 52.86 5.53 17.92 3.56 0.24 2.80 0.45 凝灰岩样品
(μg/g)TJS-1 2.95 0.63 1.65 0.27 1.91 0.31 3.97 2.02 0.51 0.63 24.40 0.16 22.40 6.35 TJS-2 2.45 0.50 1.44 0.25 1.70 0.27 3.68 2.04 0.70 0.60 20.70 0.10 21.60 5.50 注:为确保测试结果的可靠性,实验数据取同一样品两次测试结果的平均值。 3.2 凝灰岩熔体包裹体与水含量特征
3.2.1 熔体包裹体岩相学特征
3.2.2 熔体包裹体拉曼光谱特征
3.2.3 凝灰岩熔体包裹体水含量特征
表 4 髫髻山组凝灰岩中熔体包裹体LF、WF积分面积及水含量计算结果Table 4. Integrated areas of LF and WF, and water content of the melt inclusions in tuff of the Tiaojishan Formation包裹体样品编号 熔体包裹体类型 ALF AWF AWF/ALF 峰位(cm−1) CH2Ot (%) MI-1 玻璃质 120.2732 203.0257 1.6880 3631 2.13 MI-2 玻璃质 119.9589 208.9559 1.7419 3631 2.19 MI-3 玻璃质 297.2329 233.0028 0.7839 3643 0.99 MI-4 玻璃质 198.5294 276.1755 1.3911 3636 1.75 MI-5 玻璃质 180.3690 306.9109 1.7016 3631 2.14 MI-6 玻璃质+气泡 78.6287 288.6345 3.6709 3636 4.63 MI-7 玻璃质+气泡 222.9093 237.9510 1.0675 3637 1.35 MI-8 玻璃质+气泡 526.2989 1446.2396 2.7479 3541 3.46 MI-9 玻璃质+结晶质 186.4130 737.1156 3.9542 3568 4.98 根据李福春等[1]的熔体包裹体水含量统计数据,大多数超基性基性岩浆中的水含量在0~0.8%;大部分中性岩浆水含量为0.4%~2.8%,平均为2.26%;酸性岩浆水含量范围主要集中在0.8%~5.6%,平均为2.712%。对比测定结果与统计数据可以看出,柳江盆地髫髻山组下部凝灰岩中熔体包裹体呈现高水含量的特点,反映了岩浆演化后期为酸性岩浆,这与岩石地球化学特征反映的岩浆性质一致,进一步验证了该时期研究区存在由地壳浅部酸性岩浆活动引发的火山爆发。
4. 结论
图 2 不同水含量人工合成流纹质玻璃的拉曼光谱
红色实线为5.27% H2O人工合成标准样品的拉曼谱图;橙色实线为4.09% H2O人工合成标准样品的拉曼谱图;绿色实线为2.26% H2O人工合成标准样品的拉曼谱图;蓝色实线为1.48% H2O人工合成标准样品的拉曼谱图。LF-250cm−1~700cm−1为低波段谱带;HF-850cm−1~1300cm−1为高波段谱带;WF-3000cm−1~3800cm−1为总水谱带。
Figure 2. Raman spectra of artificially synthesized rhyolitic glasses with different water content
表 1 不同水含量人工合成含水硅酸盐玻璃标准样品的积分面积等参数测量结果
Table 1 Measurement results of integrated area and other parameters of artificially synthesized water-containing silicate glasses standard samples with different water content
(%)RH-1(Tu等,2023) / / 1.0700 0.3726 0.33 RH-2(Tu等,2023) / / 1.3300 0.4631 0.41 RH-3(Tu等,2023) / / 1.8400 0.6407 0.58 RH-4(Tu等,2023) / / 3.2600 1.1351 1.48 RH-5(Tu等,2023) / / 4.9400 1.7201 2.26 RH-6(Tu等,2023) / / 6.3100 2.1971 3.01 RH-7(Tu等,2023) / / 8.5100 2.9632 4.09 RH-8(Tu等,2023) / / 11.7800 4.1018 5.27 RH-9(Tu等,2023) / / 14.3000 4.9793 6.35 RH-10(Tu等,2023) / / 15.4400 5.3762 6.84 RH-11(Tu等,2023) / / 21.3100 7.4201 9.05 标准样品1 292.6424 1264.846 / 4.3222 5.27 标准样品2 244.9186 776.2908 / 3.1696 4.09 标准样品3 229.9241 374.9651 / 1.6308 2.26 标准样品4 189.5898 250.3734 / 1.3206 1.48 注:RH-1至RH-11为Tu等[19]测试样品;标样1至标样4为本文中的实际测试样品,分别对应Tu等[19]的样品RH-8、RH-7、RH-5、RH-4。“/”代表本文未使用的数据。 表 2 髫髻山组凝灰岩全岩主量元素测试结果
Table 2 Analytical results of major elements in tuff of the Tiaojishan Formation
合计(%)TJS-1 1.45 1.29 13.02 75.18 0.03 2.60 1.10 0.14 0.04 2.28 3.38 4.04 100.48 TJS-2 1.67 0.65 12.61 77.14 0.02 2.58 0.14 0.14 0.03 1.06 3.04 4.24 99.07 注:为确保测试结果的可靠性,实验数据取同一样品两次测试结果的平均值。 表 3 髫髻山组凝灰岩全岩微量元素测试结果
Table 3 Analytical results of trace elements in tuff of the Tiaojishan Formation
(μg/g)TJS-1 29.75 4.72 17.15 3.84 6.09 7.14 1.26 3.90 2.57 36.30 19.25 1.68 0.41 76.35 139.50 TJS-2 10.46 3.78 15.55 4.89 6.59 4.43 0.72 1.69 2.39 18.56 17.55 0.80 0.47 74.13 97.87 凝灰岩样品
(μg/g)TJS-1 16.75 112.50 26.30 2.24 0.09 1.39 451.50 32.45 63.90 7.16 23.90 4.84 0.31 4.04 0.61 TJS-2 13.50 100.77 27.64 1.80 0.04 0.99 386.05 24.29 52.86 5.53 17.92 3.56 0.24 2.80 0.45 凝灰岩样品
(μg/g)TJS-1 2.95 0.63 1.65 0.27 1.91 0.31 3.97 2.02 0.51 0.63 24.40 0.16 22.40 6.35 TJS-2 2.45 0.50 1.44 0.25 1.70 0.27 3.68 2.04 0.70 0.60 20.70 0.10 21.60 5.50 注:为确保测试结果的可靠性,实验数据取同一样品两次测试结果的平均值。 表 4 髫髻山组凝灰岩中熔体包裹体LF、WF积分面积及水含量计算结果
Table 4 Integrated areas of LF and WF, and water content of the melt inclusions in tuff of the Tiaojishan Formation
包裹体样品编号 熔体包裹体类型 ALF AWF AWF/ALF 峰位(cm−1) CH2Ot (%) MI-1 玻璃质 120.2732 203.0257 1.6880 3631 2.13 MI-2 玻璃质 119.9589 208.9559 1.7419 3631 2.19 MI-3 玻璃质 297.2329 233.0028 0.7839 3643 0.99 MI-4 玻璃质 198.5294 276.1755 1.3911 3636 1.75 MI-5 玻璃质 180.3690 306.9109 1.7016 3631 2.14 MI-6 玻璃质+气泡 78.6287 288.6345 3.6709 3636 4.63 MI-7 玻璃质+气泡 222.9093 237.9510 1.0675 3637 1.35 MI-8 玻璃质+气泡 526.2989 1446.2396 2.7479 3541 3.46 MI-9 玻璃质+结晶质 186.4130 737.1156 3.9542 3568 4.98 -
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