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  • 中国科技核心期刊
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Analysis of Micro-fine Mineral Pigments Based on Laser Raman Spectroscopy

  • 摘要: 从古至今,由细微粒矿物(小于18μm)构成的无机矿物颜料被广泛应用于艺术品中,且艺术品的品质由矿物的粒径、种类等因素所决定,建立微区矿物颜料组成、分布的精准且无损的分析方法对于工艺开发、探究时代文化特征等具有重要意义。现有分析方法有颜色鉴定的色彩学分析,但受限于色差或色度而难以直接确定矿物的类别;此外,X射线衍射、扫描电镜-能谱等被应用于矿物成分鉴定,然而此类测试方法对样品有损伤风险、测试过程繁琐等不足,不利于文物保护或样品的再利用。本文基于激光拉曼光谱为微细粒矿物颜料提供无损分析方法,通过对25种常见无机矿物颜料进行532nm、638nm、785nm激光的拉曼光谱测试,建立了25种常见无机矿物颜料的拉曼光谱数据库。随后选用不同色系以及同色系的无机矿物颜料进行拉曼微区成像,在微区中能探测到1μm左右的细微粒矿物,且细微粒矿物颜料的拉曼指纹信息与建立的矿物颜料拉曼光谱数据库完全匹配,这为微细粒矿物颜料的组成和分布提供了精准分析的方法,适用多种微细粒矿物颜料的同时分析。


    Abstract: Micro-fine pigment minerals have been widely used in artworks, and their particle size, types, etc. determined the quality. Accurate and non-destructive analysis of the composition and distribution of micro-mineral pigments is of great significance. The existing analytical methods include the color analysis, but it is difficult to directly determine the minerals’ type due to the chrominance values. X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and energy disperse spectroscopy have been applied to the identification of mineral components, but these methods faced with the risk of damage for the sample and the complicated process. In this paper, we provided a non-destructive analysis method for micro-fine minerals based on laser Raman spectroscopy. Firstly, 25 types of mineral pigments are tested by 532, 638 and 785nm lasers. Then, different colors and the same color of mineral pigments are tested by Raman imaging, which detected about 1μm minerals in the microregion. This accurate analysis method achieved the composition and distribution of micro-fine mineral pigments, which is suitable for simultaneous analysis of various micro-fine mineral pigments. The BRIEF REPORT is available for this paper at http://www.ykcs.ac.cn/en/article/doi/10.15898/j.ykcs.202403260068.


