A Pre-Treatment Method for the Determination of Organic Carbon Isotope Composition in Sedimentary Rocks
HIGHLIGHTS(1) The organic carbon isotope test of sedimentary rocks should be based on the extraction and preparation of kerogen, which has a long preparation process and requires the use of a significant quantity of hazardous chemicals. Therefore, more convenient and environmentally friendly pretreatment methods need to be developed.
(2) A pre-treatment method for effective separation of organic carbon components from sedimentary rocks based on dilute hydrochloric acid was established, which has the advantages of simple process, easy access to experimental consumables, and less sample consumption.
(3) The influence of the traditional kerogen extraction method and the pre-treatment method established on the determination of organic carbon isotope values of samples with different TOC values and different lithologies is compared, which proves the applicability of this method for common geological samples such as shale and limestone.
Abstract:The organic carbon in sedimentary rocks is mainly in the form of kerogen, and it is necessary to extract kerogen from samples before obtaining the organic carbon isotope value. The extraction process requires a significant quantity of hazardous chemicals and a long preparation process. Therefore, in daily work, there is an urgent need to develop a more convenient and environmentally friendly pre-treatment method. A simple acid treatment method was established, and 110 sedimentary rock samples with different lithology (limestone, shale, oil shale) and different organic carbon content range (0.83%−35.33%) were selected for comparison experiments of two pretreatment methods. The results show that for 94% of the samples, the difference of carbon isotope values obtained by the acid pretreatment method established in this study and the kerogen extraction method was less than 1.0‰, which met the deviation requirements for repeated measurements, indicating that this pretreatment method can be used to accurately obtain the key geological parameter of an organic carbon isotope value. Furthermore, the organic carbon content and lithology of the samples does not influence the results, demonstrating the applicability of this method to typical geological samples and fulfilling the requirements of geological exploration and investigation. The BRIEF REPORT is available for this paper at http://www.ykcs.ac.cn/en/article/doi/10.15898/j.ykcs.202403110038.
- carbon isotope /
- sedimentary rock /
- pretreatment method /
- acid treatment /
- kerogen
BRIEF REPORTSignificance: The carbon pool in sedimentary rocks comprises both organic and inorganic carbon. Organic carbon predominantly exists in the form of kerogen, which accounts for over 80% of the total organic carbon in these rocks, while inorganic carbon primarily occurs as carbonate[1-2]. There are notable differences in the isotopic values of organic and inorganic carbon, each bearing distinct geological significance[3-6]. Currently, it is widely accepted that the stable carbon isotope value of organic matter is largely determined by its source[7-9], remaining relatively unaffected by thermal evolution. This characteristic renders it a valuable tool for distinguishing types of organic matter in the field of oil and gas geochemistry[10-15].
Since organic carbon in sedimentary rocks primarily exists in the form of kerogen, it is necessary to extract kerogen from samples before obtaining the organic carbon isotope value[30-32].
The preparation process of kerogen is complex and time-consuming, which limits the rapid acquisition of organic carbon isotope data from sedimentary rocks and affects the geological research and exploration evaluations. Furthermore, a significant amount of chemical reagents are utilized in the kerogen preparation process, which can have considerable environmental impacts. Consequently, some researchers have proposed a pretreatment method that only uses hydrochloric acid to replace the pretreatment process of kerogen preparation[33-36]. This method is simple and efficient, and it has garnered significant attention from scholars in recent years. However, the current application objects of this method are mainly modern sediments, while the data for ancient sedimentary rocks are very limited. There is also a lack of systematic comparison of the impact of the two pre-processing methods on the organic carbon isotope value determination of rock samples with different lithology and TOC values. It is not clear whether this simple pretreatment method can completely replace the kerogen extraction method[33-41].
This study established a pre-treatment method for effective separation of organic carbon components from sedimentary rocks based on dilute hydrochloric acid, and experiments were conducted using samples of various lithologies and organic carbon contents, including shale, limestone, and oil shale. The results demonstrate that the organic carbon isotope data obtained through this pre-treatment method are comparable to those acquired via the traditional kerogen extraction method. This research offers a more convenient and environmentally friendly pre-treatment method for isotope research in sedimentary rocks samples.
Methods: 110 typical profile rock samples were collected from Qiangtang Basin, including shale, oil shale and limestone. Each crushed sample was divided into 3 parts for pretreatment and subsequent experimental analysis. The Part 1 sample was used for extraction and preparation of kerogen, with the sample weight of about 100g. Part 2 and Part 3 samples were used to carry out acid treatment with about 5g per sample, and the organic carbon contents and isotope values were measured respectively after treatment.
The total organic carbon (TOC) content of sedimentary rock samples was determined by a Leco CS-744 carbon sulfur analyzer. The EA-IRMS combined system was used to determine the carbon isotope value of the sample. The combustion tube temperature of the element analyzer was set at 950℃, and the reduction tube temperature was set at 600℃. During the test process, the test results of standard substances and repeated samples need to meet the quality requirements of standard methods, and the carbon isotope test error of repeated samples is less than 0.5‰.
Data and Results: The research results indicate that the Δ13C value (δ13Cacid−δ13Cker) of the samples processed by the two methods ranges from −2.8‰ to 1.8‰. A correlation analysis was conducted on the isotope values obtained using these two pre-processing methods, revealing a strong consistency between the two datasets. The correlation followed the linear relationship described by the equation y=0.97x−0.61, with a correlation coefficient of R2=0.97 (Fig.1). Notably, the proportion of samples with Δ13C values less than 1.0‰ constitutes 94% of the total samples. These samples satisfy the repeatability error requirements for carbon isotope determination based on current standards, indicating that the carbon isotope values obtained through different pretreatment methods are highly comparable[2,21,24,30].
The study conducted a comparative analysis of carbon isotope data obtained through two pre-processing methods applied to samples with varying lithology (Fig.2). It was observed that shale samples were significantly more influenced by the different pre-processing methods, and a total of six shale samples exhibit Δ13C values exceeding 1.0%, significantly higher than those of other lithologies. Analysis indicates that this phenomenon may be attributed to either a relatively high clay mineral content in the shale or the presence of non-kerogen organic carbon in these samples[13,32]. However, there is currently little data in this part, and additional experiments are still needed to accurately reveal the reasons for this difference.
In addition, the article compared the conditions of samples with varying total organic carbon (TOC) contents (Fig.3). The results indicate that the TOC content does not consistently influence the differences between the two methods. Specifically, only six samples exhibit differences greater than 1.0‰, with their TOC values primarily ranging from 5.00% to 15.00%. Notably, these samples tend to have a high oil content. During the acid treatment process, an oil film forms around the samples, which hinders the acid from fully contacting and reacting with them, ultimately leading to discrepancies in the measurement results.
The study selected three crucibles with varying water permeability rates to conduct comparative experiments. The results indicate that the differences in water permeability rates of acid treatment containers do not significantly impact the organic carbon isotope values.
1. 实验部分
1.1 样品制备
(1)第1部分样品:用于提取制备干酪根,用量约100g,该过程参照《沉积岩中干酪根分离方法》(GB/T 19144—2010)执行。该方法的原理主要是通过多步物理、化学的方法,去除岩石中的无机矿物和可溶有机质,提纯制备干酪根。制备流程包括:蒸馏水浸泡、盐酸或氢氟酸等多次酸处理、碱处理、黄铁矿处理、重液浮选、冷冻干燥、氯仿清洗可溶有机质、烧失量的测定等步骤。经多步反应后,制备后的干酪根样品烧失量需大于75%后,可存放于60℃烘箱中干燥,以备后续进行干酪根碳同位素分析。
(2)第2部分和第3部分样品:这两部分样品的预处理方式相同,用量约5g,参照《沉积岩中总有机碳含量的测定》(GB/T 19145—2022)的前处理过程开展。首先对盛装样品的坩埚进行高温煅烧,即在1000℃条件下灼烧2h以上去除杂物。然后称取约0.1g粉末样品置于冷却的坩埚中,缓慢滴入配制好的稀盐酸溶液(盐酸∶水=1∶7,V/V),岩石样品与盐酸充分反应直至无气泡产生。然后用蒸馏水反复淋洗坩埚,直至滤液为中性,单次加水量需控制样品不随水溢出。洗样完毕后置于60℃烘箱内干燥备用。其中,第2部分样品用于后期岩石中总有机碳含量的测定;第3部分样品用于酸处理后样品碳同位素值的测定,与第1部分制备的干酪根样品测试的碳同位素值开展比较。
1.2 实验方法
1.2.1 仪器与材料
总有机碳含量(TOC)测定仪器为Leco CS-744碳硫分析仪。碳同位素测定采用EA-IRMS联用系统,测定仪器由两部分组成:①元素分析仪,型号为Vario MICRO cube;②同位素比质谱仪,型号为Elementar isoprime precision。其他主要材料包括瓷坩埚、盐酸溶液(盐酸∶水=1∶7,V/V)、锡舟。
表 1 实验使用的标准物质及有机碳含量Table 1. Details of reference materials and their organic carbon content测试项目 标准物质编号 研制单位 有机碳含量推荐值(%)或
同位素组成δ13C推荐值(‰)总有机碳含量 GBW01117 江苏省铸造热处理研究所 3.08±0.02 501-676 美国力可公司 0.13±0.04 501-024 美国力可公司 3.19±0.03 502-694 美国力可公司 10.80±0.26 碳同位素组成 GBW(E)04407 石油勘探开发科学研究院 −22.43±0.3 GBW(E)04408 石油勘探开发科学研究院 −36.93±0.3 USGS24 美国地质调查局 −16.05±0.3 NBS-22 国际原子能机构 −30.03±0.05 1.2.2 总有机碳(TOC)含量的测定
本文研究的沉积岩样品的总有机碳(TOC)含量测定参照《沉积岩中总有机碳含量的测定》(GB/T 19145—2022)执行,预处理后的样品(1.1节中制备好的样品)用碳硫分析仪开展TOC值的测定。其基本原理是:样品在高温氧气流中燃烧,将样品中的有机碳完全转化为CO2;生成的CO2再经过红外检测器检测,并给出准确的有机碳含量。测试过程中,标准物质及重复样测试结果满足标准方法的质量要求。
1.2.3 有机碳同位素值的测定
样品的有机碳同位素值测定参照《有机物和碳酸盐岩碳氧同位素分析方法》(SY/T 5238—2019)执行。在锡杯中称取适量处理后的样品,放入自动进样器,启动元素分析仪和同位素质谱仪的采集程序,样品经元素分析仪充分燃烧后,生成CO2并随载气流进入同位素质谱仪进行碳同位素值测定。本次实验元素分析仪燃烧管温度设定为950℃,还原管温度设定为600℃。测试过程中标准物质及重复样测试结果满足标准方法的质量要求,重复样测试误差≤0.5‰。
2. 结果与讨论
2.1 干酪根提取和酸处理两种前处理方式获得碳同位素值的比较
表 2 样品岩性信息及TOC、δ13Cker、δ13Cacid、Δ13C测定结果Table 2. Lithological information of samples and measured results of TOC, δ13Cker, δ13Cacid and Δ13C样品岩性 样品数量
(件)TOC(%) δ13Cker(‰) δ13Cacid(‰) Δ13C(‰) 测定值范围 平均值 测定值范围 平均值 测定值范围 平均值 测定值范围 平均值 灰岩 39 0.83~18.69 9.62 −27.5~−22.2 −24.6 −27.3~−22.4 −24.4 −0.3~1.1 0.2 页岩 59 0.87~35.33 11.73 −34.6~−21.8 −26.3 −34.5~−20.0 −26.2 −2.8~1.8 0.1 油页岩 12 6.53~21.94 14.25 −25.8~−21.5 −24.0 −25.9~−21.1 −23.8 −0.6~0.5 0.2 对所有样品经两种前处理方式得到的有机碳同位素值结果开展相关性分析,发现两者数据具有良好的一致性,相关关系满足线性规律y=0.97x−0.61,决定系数R2=0.97(图1)。对所有样品的碳同位素值δ13Cacid–δ13Cker(Δ13C)分布范围进行统计(图2),其中有68.18%样品的Δ13C≤0.3‰,89.09%样品的Δ13C≤0.6‰,93.64%样品的Δ13C值均可控制在1.0‰范围之内,满足现行标准方法中关于碳同位素测定的重复性测定误差要求。这与陈立雷等[24]关于沉积岩和海洋沉积物总有机碳同位素分析的前处理影响的研究结果具有良好的一致性,表明不同的前处理方法获得的样品碳同位素值具有良好的可比性[2,21,30]。分析其原因,沉积岩中的无机碳主要以碳酸盐的形式存在,使用稀盐酸处理样品可以去除碳酸盐,从而实现对沉积岩中有机碳组分的有效分离,进而获得样品的有机碳同位素值[27,42]。该方法与制备干酪根的方法相比,虽未经多重的酸、碱处理,但去除了大部分无机碳,测量碳同位素数据的准确性可以得到保障。
2.2 不同前处理方式对碳同位素值测定的影响分析
2.2.1 不同岩性样品碳同位素测定值的对比
2.2.2 不同TOC含量样品碳同位素测定值的对比
2.2.3 酸处理容器坩埚对碳同位素测定值的影响
表 3 三种坩埚酸处理取得的δ13C测定结果Table 3. The measurement results of δ13C obtained by acid treatment with three crucibles.样品编号 δ13C测定值(‰) δ13C测定平均值
标准偏差(‰)Ⅰ型坩埚 Ⅱ型坩埚 Ⅲ型坩埚 页岩1 −33.8 −34.1 −34.1 −34.0 0.2 页岩2 −32.8 −32.8 −32.9 −32.8 0.1 页岩3 −31.3 −31.4 −31.3 −31.3 0.1 页岩4 −30.7 −30.7 −30.8 −30.7 0.1 页岩5 −30.3 −30.5 −30.5 −30.4 0.1 页岩6 −29.5 −29.4 −29.5 −29.5 0.1 页岩7 −29.4 −29.3 −29.2 −29.3 0.1 页岩8 −28.4 −28.3 −28.4 −28.4 0.1 灰岩1 −27.2 −27.3 −27.3 −27.3 0.1 灰岩2 −26.5 −26.6 −26.6 −26.6 0.1 3. 结论
表 1 实验使用的标准物质及有机碳含量
Table 1 Details of reference materials and their organic carbon content
测试项目 标准物质编号 研制单位 有机碳含量推荐值(%)或
同位素组成δ13C推荐值(‰)总有机碳含量 GBW01117 江苏省铸造热处理研究所 3.08±0.02 501-676 美国力可公司 0.13±0.04 501-024 美国力可公司 3.19±0.03 502-694 美国力可公司 10.80±0.26 碳同位素组成 GBW(E)04407 石油勘探开发科学研究院 −22.43±0.3 GBW(E)04408 石油勘探开发科学研究院 −36.93±0.3 USGS24 美国地质调查局 −16.05±0.3 NBS-22 国际原子能机构 −30.03±0.05 表 2 样品岩性信息及TOC、δ13Cker、δ13Cacid、Δ13C测定结果
Table 2 Lithological information of samples and measured results of TOC, δ13Cker, δ13Cacid and Δ13C
样品岩性 样品数量
(件)TOC(%) δ13Cker(‰) δ13Cacid(‰) Δ13C(‰) 测定值范围 平均值 测定值范围 平均值 测定值范围 平均值 测定值范围 平均值 灰岩 39 0.83~18.69 9.62 −27.5~−22.2 −24.6 −27.3~−22.4 −24.4 −0.3~1.1 0.2 页岩 59 0.87~35.33 11.73 −34.6~−21.8 −26.3 −34.5~−20.0 −26.2 −2.8~1.8 0.1 油页岩 12 6.53~21.94 14.25 −25.8~−21.5 −24.0 −25.9~−21.1 −23.8 −0.6~0.5 0.2 表 3 三种坩埚酸处理取得的δ13C测定结果
Table 3 The measurement results of δ13C obtained by acid treatment with three crucibles.
样品编号 δ13C测定值(‰) δ13C测定平均值
标准偏差(‰)Ⅰ型坩埚 Ⅱ型坩埚 Ⅲ型坩埚 页岩1 −33.8 −34.1 −34.1 −34.0 0.2 页岩2 −32.8 −32.8 −32.9 −32.8 0.1 页岩3 −31.3 −31.4 −31.3 −31.3 0.1 页岩4 −30.7 −30.7 −30.8 −30.7 0.1 页岩5 −30.3 −30.5 −30.5 −30.4 0.1 页岩6 −29.5 −29.4 −29.5 −29.5 0.1 页岩7 −29.4 −29.3 −29.2 −29.3 0.1 页岩8 −28.4 −28.3 −28.4 −28.4 0.1 灰岩1 −27.2 −27.3 −27.3 −27.3 0.1 灰岩2 −26.5 −26.6 −26.6 −26.6 0.1 -
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