A Review of Rapid Detections for Emerging Contaminants in Groundwater
Abstract:In recent years, emerging contaminants, such as antibiotics, endocrine disruptors, perfluorinated and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are of great worldwide concern. These contaminants enter the water environment through runoff, diffusion, infiltration and other ways. Due to their bioaccumulation, biological toxicity, and environmental sustainability, emerging contaminants pose a potential threat to aquatic organisms, human health, and ecological safety[1]. Therefore, it is urgent to detect and investigate the pollution status of emerging contaminants in the water environment. Many investigations and evaluations have been carried out, making rapid detection methods a research hotspot. The detection methods of emerging contaminants in the water environment based on recent literature is reviewed, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the emerging contaminants detection methods, summarizing the research progress of rapid detection technology for emerging contaminants in water, and prospecting its development trend. Emerging contaminants were widely detected in the water environment. For instance, antibiotics have been detected in groundwater in cities such as Harbin[2] and Shijiazhuang[3], in surface rivers such as the Fuyang River and Qin River[4], and in the source water such as Yichang City[5] and the Tuojiang River Basin[6], as well as in groundwater from major urban-rural settings of Pakistan[8]. Similarly, endocrine disruptors have been detected in different types of water in China, such as the Minjiang River Basin[11], as well as in groundwater of the Wuxi—Changzhou region[9] and Xuzhou region[10]. Some endocrine disruptor pollutants have been detected in seawater along the Romanian Black Sea coast[12]. In addition, perfluorinated and polyfluoroalkyl substances have been detected in the surface water of Beijing’s reclaimed groundwater irrigation area[13] and in Hongze Lake[15]. There is perfluoroalkyl acid pollution in the groundwater environment of farmland in some regions of Hainan Province[14]. Perfluorinated compounds have also been detected in major Southern Indian rivers[16]. There are emerging contaminants in the water environment both domestically and internationally. The concentrations and detection rates are high in some areas, posing a serious threat to groundwater and surface water resources. Nowadays, the emerging contaminants are mainly detected in the laboratory using advanced instruments. The emerging contaminants are widely present in the environment, but their concentrations are quite low, of which the content is in the nanogram to microgram level. In order to reduce the detection limits, the emerging contaminants samples will be concentrated and then tested using high-resolution instruments. Instrument detection technology has the advantages of high throughput, high accuracy, low detection limit, and low false positive rate. While the pre-treatment of samples is very complex, and the analytical instruments used are costly, this is not something that all laboratories can afford. Therefore, the analysis of emerging contaminants takes a long time from sampling to getting analysis results. Sensor detection technology is a commonly used on-site detection method in the field of environmental monitoring. It mainly includes electrochemical, optical, and biological sensing. The field rapid detection of emerging contaminants in water environment is a promising research direction. Electrochemical sensing has been extensively studied. Sensor detection technology can give results in minutes for emerging contaminants. However, most of the work was focused on detecting a single contaminant; significant progress has been made in the laboratory, but it has not yet been promoted for field testing; there were fewer examples of field rapid detection of emerging contaminants. Further research is needed on the technology for simultaneously determining multiple emerging contaminants in the meantime. Immunoassay detection technology is suitable for on-site rapid screening of emerging contaminants in the water environment. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay can preliminarily screen for the emerging contaminants in the water environment, while immunochromatography can perform qualitative or semi-quantitative detection of emerging contaminants. Immunoassay technology has high specificity, strong sensitivity, simplicity, convenience, and no need for expensive instruments. It has great advantages in rapid detection of large amounts of samples and on-site detection. However, it is prone to false negatives and positives[89]. There are various types of rapid detection methods for emerging contaminants. Further, the focus of research should be on utilizing new materials to improve traditional detection methods to meet the needs of rapid and on-site detection of contaminants. Besides, researchers could combine multiple detection techniques to make detection methods simpler, faster, and more cost-effective, and with high sensitivity and accuracy to achieve rapid detection of multiple pollutants simultaneously.
- emerging contaminants /
- rapid detection /
- instrument detection /
- sensor /
- immunoassay
1. 地质背景
图 1 江西石炉坑矿床(a)大地构造位置图(据胡正华等[20])和(b)矿区地质图1—第四系进贤组; 2—古近系石炉坑组; 3—二叠系中统茅口组; 4—石炭系下统梓山组; 5—泥盆系上统—石炭系下统华山岭组; 6—取样位置; 7—断层;; 8—地层界线; 9—勘探线; 10—矿区边界。Figure 1. (a) Geotectonic location (Modified after Hu, et al[20]); (b) Mining geology map of the Shilukeng deposit in Jiangxi Province.1—Quaternary Jinxian Formation; 2—Neogene Shilukeng Formation; 3—Maokou Formation of middle Permian; 4—The lower Carboniferous Zishan Formation; 5—Devonian—Carboniferous Huashanling Formatimon; 6—Sample position; 7—Fault; 8—Formation boundary; 9—Exploration line; 10—Mining area boundary.矿区总体为一断坳盆地,出露地层有:华山岭组(D3-C1h)、梓山组(C1z)、茅口组(P2m)、石炉坑组(E2s)和第四系进贤组(Qp2j)(图1b)。区内地表无岩浆岩出露,经少数钻孔揭示存在隐伏玄武岩,呈似层状产出。矿体产状与石炉坑组地层基本一致,走向NEE,倾向NW,倾角5°~10°,矿体厚1.09~52.03m,平均21.5m。石炉坑组(E2s)为主要的赋矿地层,上段由紫红色-土黄色黏土岩、泥岩组成,为不含矿层位,与上覆第四系进贤组(Qp2j)不整合接触;下段岩性为灰黑色、深灰色植硅石岩,间夹硅质黏土岩或含矿黏土岩与浅灰色-灰白色黏土岩(图2a),是硅碳矿的主要赋矿层位,岩性特征显示其为较平静的湖相沉积环境,并与下部茅口组(P2m)深灰色、灰色钙质泥砂岩呈不整合接触。矿石特征主要为:深灰至灰黑色,块状、粉末状构造,微细层状。具有较多孔隙,质轻且自然状态下可浮于水,断口呈参差状,染手,含炭质和黏土矿物(图2b)。矿石经分析测试后[13],主要成分、含量为:81.28% SiO2、10.77% C、4.56% Al2O3以及2.01% Fe2S。主要矿物为石英,在镜下多为异形,颗粒表面锐角偏多(图2c),经电镜扫描多见植硅体结构(图2d)。
2. 实验部分
2.1 样品处理
2.2 样品测试
整个实验流程如下:准确称取岩石样品2g,通过细颈漏斗加入Carius管内,缓慢将液氮加到有半杯乙醇的保温杯中,使成黏稠状(−50~80℃)。将装好样品的Carius管置于该保温杯中。用3mL 10mol/L盐酸通过细颈漏斗将准确称取的185Re和190Os混合稀释剂转入Carius管底部。再依次加入5mL 16mol/L硝酸和1mL 30%过氧化氢分解样品。
2.3 数据处理和质量控制
3. 分析测试结果
3.1 Re-Os同位素测试结果
表 1 江西丰城石炉坑植硅石岩Re-Os同位素数据Table 1. Re-Os isotope data of phytolith rock from Shilukeng deposit in Fengcheng area, Jiangxi Province.样品编号 取样
(m)Re含量(ng/g) 普通Os含量(ng/g) 187Os含量(ng/g) 187Re/188Os 187Os/188Os 测定值 不确定度 测定值 不确定度 测定值 不确定度 测定值 不确定度 测定值 不确定度 ZK8-13-H6 15.41 108.6 0.8 1.227 0.012 0.3242 0.0029 406.5 4.4 1.991 0.004 ZK14-9-Y1 26.0 292.8 2.5 2.544 0.031 0.7056 0.0073 556.0 8.3 2.131 0.034 ZK14-9-Y2 26.2 270.4 2.0 1.996 0.016 0.5658 0.0043 654.4 6.8 2.177 0.005 ZK14-9-Y3 26.4 229.9 1.7 2.168 0.018 0.5894 0.0045 512.1 5.5 2.091 0.006 ZK14-9-Y4 26.6 226.7 2.1 1.844 0.020 0.5123 0.0044 593.8 8.4 2.135 0.029 ZK14-9-Y11 36.4 22.72 0.20 0.789 0.0068 0.1873 0.0018 139.1 1.7 1.824 0.023 ZK14-9-H16 41.5 299.2 2.2 1.727 0.015 0.5214 0.0043 813.8 8.8 2.301 0.004 3.2 Re-Os同位素数据分析
表 2 富有机质地质样品及各种不同储库中的187Os/188Os初始值Table 2. Data of initial 187Os/188Os of various organic-enriched geological samples and geochemical reservoirs.4. 讨论
4.1 Re-Os同位素年龄与沉积时代的对比
植硅石可以在地层中保存数百万年之久,研究表明目前植硅石多出现在古近纪及更晚时代的地层中[2],最早则出现在晚白垩世地层[40]。通过比对清江盆地、鄱阳盆地相似层位的岩石组合以及沉积环境,本文认为石炉坑组(E2s)与区内同属湖相沉积的临江组(E2-3l)具有相似之处,应与临江组(E2-3l)下部并齐。而临江组(E2-3l)地层的沉积年代学研究中,在岩层中发现的包括Taxodiaceae pollenites(杉粉)以及非海相腹足类化石的组合[41]均指示其沉积时代应为古近纪始新世。综合区域地质环境、相似层位沉积时代以及植硅石岩的Re-Os年龄的讨论结果,可以认为石炉坑硅碳矿床的成岩成矿时代应为古近纪始新世。
4.2 海相沉积岩中Os来源及沉积环境
4.3 Re-Os同位素赋存机制及适用性原因
Re、Os同位素体系应用于富有机质样品的主要原理是[5]:在氧化条件下,海水中的Re、Os分别以$\mathrm{ReO}_4^{-} $、$\mathrm{HOsO}_5^{-} $形式存在并易于迁移。在还原条件下,$\mathrm{ReO}_4^{-} $会被还原成较难溶解的组分被有机物吸附,高价态的Os则被还原为活动性很弱的低价形式富集。不同学者在Re、Os同位素的富集机制研究中认为,Re、Os同位素的富集主要与还原环境、富有机质等条件紧密相关[3,28,45-46]。植硅石岩中Re、Os同位素平均含量较地壳丰度高出两个数量级[47-48],指示植硅石岩在成岩成矿过程中对Re、Os同位素存在明显富集作用。而植硅石岩主要是由生长在温暖湿润环境下的单子叶草本植物,年复更替地生长、死亡并在原地堆积,植物细胞内腔或细胞之间沉淀堆积的难容的硅酸以及炭质被保存在原地,经压实作用形成[11],同期较平静的湖相沉积环境也提供了较好的还原条件。据此,本项目组认为矿区植硅石岩中Re、Os同位素赋存富集机制是:湖水中大量植物死亡后形成的沉积物,在微生物作用下产生大量有机质。在此富有机质的还原沉积环境下,$\mathrm{ReO}_4^{-} $被还原成较难溶解的组分,$\mathrm{HOsO}_5^{-} $也被还原发生富集作用,被有机质吸附并随着植物细胞内腔或细胞之间沉淀堆积的难溶硅酸一起淀积。
5. 结论
表 1 仪器检测技术可检测抗生素种类及其性能
Table 1 The antibiotics types and performance of instrument detection technology that can be detected.
检测方法 仪器设备 可检测抗生素种类 检出限 RSD(%) 参考文献 毛细管电泳
(CE)高效毛细管电泳仪 磺胺类、喹诺酮类、四环素类等 0.4~1.0μg/L − [17−18] 高效液相色谱法
氯霉素类等七大类0.06~2.28ng/L − [19] 高效液相色谱-串联
紫外/荧光检测器磺胺类、喹诺酮类、氯霉素类等 4.2~22.8μg/L − [20] 液相色谱-质谱联用法
(LC-MS)液相色谱-串联质谱仪 磺胺类、喹诺酮类、大环内酯类、
四环素类等0.15~0.9ng/L 0.36~2.25 [21−22] 液相色谱仪;
四环素类等1.2~15ng/L <22 [23] 高效液相色谱-串联质谱法
头孢霉素类等0.0056~3.9675ng/L <11 [24−25] 高效液相色谱-
串联质谱仪喹诺酮类 0.1μg/L 0.71~12.80 [26] 超高效液相色谱-
四环素类、氯霉素类等七大类0.01~10.6ng/L ≤16 [27−30] 表 2 仪器检测技术可检测内分泌干扰物种类及其性能
Table 2 The environmental endocrine disruptors types and performance of instrument detection technology that can be detected.
检测方法 仪器设备 可检测内分泌干扰物种类 检出限 RSD(%) 参考文献 气相色谱-质谱
(GC-MS)气相色谱-质谱仪 类固醇类、酚类等 0.5~140ng/L 2.54~5.36 [31] 高效液相色谱法
(HPLC)高效液相色谱仪-串联荧光检测器 三氯生、β-雌二醇、壬基酚和4-辛基酚 1.1~1.9ng/L − [32−33] 高效液相色谱仪 邻苯二甲酸二丁(辛)酯 0.1μg/L <4.47 [34] 高效液相色谱仪-串联二极管阵列检测器 三氯生、三氯卡班和甲基三氯生 0.05~0.2μg/L <10 [35] 高效液相色谱-
(HPLC-MS/MS)高效液相色谱仪;质谱仪 对乙酰氨基酚等17种 0.07~1.88ng/L − [36] 高效液相色谱系统;
三重四极杆质谱仪黄体酮代谢物、类固醇类、酚类等 0.02~50ng/L <15 [37−39] 超高效液相色谱
(UPLC-MS/MS)超高效液相色谱-串联质谱仪 雌激素类、雄激素类、肾上腺皮质激素类、
酚类和非甾类激素类等0.05~2.00ng/L 0.99~12.0 [40−41] 超高效液相色谱系统;三重四极杆质谱仪 酚类、黄体酮等 0.03ng/L~5.0μg/L ≤11.6 [42−44] 表 3 仪器检测技术可检测全氟化合物种类及其性能
Table 3 The perfluorinated and polyfluoroalkyl substances types and performance of instrument detection technology that can be detected.
检测方法 仪器设备 可检测全氟化合物种类 检出限 RSD(%) 参考文献 气相色谱-质谱
(GC-MS)气相色谱-质谱仪 中性全氟烷基化合物、
全氟羧酸化合物等0.02ng/L~1.5μg/L <14.5 [46-47] 液相色谱-质谱联用法
全氟烷基化合物0.16~5.13ng/L 3~18 [48-49] 高效液相色谱-串联质谱法
(HPLC-MS/MS)高效液相色谱仪;质谱仪 全氟辛烷磺酸等21种全氟化合物 0.01~0.08ng/L 1.1~11.2 [50] 超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法
57种以上全氟化合物0.01ng/L~0.1μg/L 0.4~23.0 [51-53] 超高效液相色谱-质谱仪 全氟丁烷磺酸、全氟辛酸和全氟
辛烷磺酸等16种以上全氟化合物0.06ng/L~0.25μg/L 2.1~9.19 [54-56] 表 4 水中新污染物传感检测技术优缺点对比
Table 4 Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of emerging contaminants sensor detection methods for water samples.
传感检测技术 优点 缺点 电化学传感 操作简单,成本低廉,分析速度快,仪器体积小,
需定期更换电极光学传感 操作简单,成本低,可实时检测 灵敏度一般,容易受环境干扰,使用寿命较短,
大多只能对特定污染物进行检测生物传感 操作简单,费用低,适用于批量样品快速筛选 易受到水样中其他物质干扰,专一性和精确度不足 表 5 不同类别新污染物可选择的快速检测方法总结
Table 5 Summary of emerging contaminants that can be detected by rapid detection methods.
快速检测技术分类 方法名称 抗生素类 全氟化合物类 内分泌干扰物类 传感检测技术 电化学传感 √ √ √ 光学传感 √ √ √ 生物传感 √ √ √ 免疫检测技术 酶联免疫分析法 √ √ √ 免疫层析法 − − √ 其他快速检测技术 平面波导免疫传感器 √ − √ 荧光免疫生物传感器 − − √ 阵列倏逝波荧光传感器 − − √ 单扫描极谱 − √ − 原位显色反应 − − √ 注:“−”表示该类新污染物不涉及。 -
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