Nitrogen Isotope Analysis Method of Organic-enriched Shale
- 页岩 /
- 氮同位素比值 /
- 元素分析仪-同位素质谱 /
- 前处理方法 /
- 标准物质
Abstract:BACKGROUNDShale, as an important component of sedimentary rocks, is also a valuable source rock and “reservoir” of shale gas. The study of nitrogen isotope distribution characteristics can provide geochemical indexes for judging the sedimentary environment and oil-source correlation of crude oil. It is helpful to understand the organic matter enrichment mechanism of black shale, shale oil, and gas exploration[14-17]. Nitrogen isotope ratio analysis in sedimentary rocks is faced with problems such as low content, and the influence of pretreatment on analysis and the reference materials, which affect the accurate analysis of nitrogen isotope ratio in shale and restrict the development of this technology in related studies. First, the low content in rocks will affect the analysis results by elemental analyzer-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (EA-IRMS)[16,18,20]. Second, the method of direct sample analysis is often used to analyze nitrogen isotope ratio of whole rock, to improve the relative content of nitrogen and remove carbonate to meet the requirement of organic carbon isotope analysis; samples treated with acid can also be used for analysis. There are differences in treatment methods in different laboratories, which can also increase the variation in content and isotope ratios, as well as the difficulty of data comparison[9-13,21,25]. Finally, there are relatively few international standard materials based on rocks and minerals for nitrogen isotope and there are still some problems and limitations in these standards[7,21,24,30]. Therefore, the accurate analysis of nitrogen isotope ratio in shale is affected, thus restricting the development of this technology in related studies.
OBJECTIVESTo improve the precision and accuracy of nitrogen isotope analysis in shales.
METHODS(1) The analysis was carried out by EA-IRMS, with the use of MAT253 Plus gas stable isotope mass spectrometer, Flash 2000 HT element analyzer and ConFlo Ⅳ interface. The furnace tube was filled with the recommended scheme of the instrument, and the water removal trap was adjusted according to the measured object, that is, only magnesium perchlorate was used or carbon adsorbent was added on this basis (the main component was sodium hydroxide), which accounted for 50% each. Carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios were measured separately. (2) Carbon and nitrogen isotope standard materials included: USGS40, USGS41a, IAEA-600, Urea, GBW04701, GBW04702, GBW04703, GBW07424 and GBW07107 as calibration, monitoring and experimental study (Table 1). Typical shale samples of the upper Yangtze Longmaxi Formation were selected as the research object. Both samples are rich in organic carbon. Combined with hand samples and XRD analysis, their mineral composition is mainly as follows: Quartz, potassium feldspar, illite and pyrite in SAMPLE-1, SAMPLE-2 are similar in mineral composition in general, but there is obvious dolomite in SAMPLE-2. (3) The experiment consisted of three parts. First, the impact of increasing oxygen injection time and using double tin cup encapsulation on nitrogen isotope ratio analysis was studied. Urea was applied to determine δ15N under the same conditions but with different oxygen injection time (3s or 5s) and the differences were compared. Urea and GBW07424 were used to encapsulate the sample with double tin cup (two layers of tin cup for the same sample) and conventional single tin cup for comparison under the same conditions. The composition of total nitrogen and total carbon isotope ratios in GBW04701, GBW04702 and GBW04703 was determined by single-tin cup encapsulation. Second, the influence of acid rinse method on the analysis was conducted. Standards were weighed and gradually added with an excess of 6mol/L HCl to remove carbonate minerals. During the reaction, the centrifuge tube was placed in an ultrasonic cleaner for ultrasonic treatment for 3 to 5 times, 10min each time. Centrifuge was used, acid was discarded and deionized water was added. After ultrasonic treatment in ultrasonic cleaner, centrifuge treatment was continued. This process was repeated until it reached neutral. The samples were then compared and analyzed with unprocessed samples and recommended values. Finally, the shale samples SAMPLE-1 and SAMPLE-2 from Longmaxi Formation were analyzed. The isotopic ratios of total nitrogen and total carbon were determined respectively. The samples were treated with the above acid rinse method to analyze the ratio of organic carbon and nitrogen isotopes, and the mineral composition before and after treatment was analyzed by XRD. Nitrogen isotope difference and total carbon and organic carbon isotope ratio were analyzed before and after treatment.
RESULTSThe results of single/double tin cup method showed that the accuracy of δ15N value determined by double tin cup method were obviously worse than that by single tin cup method at the same oxygen injection time (Table 2). GBW07424 analysis showed that nitrogen amounts had more obvious influence on the analysis. The results of total nitrogen analysis in GBW04701, GBW04702 and GBW04703 measured under the condition of oxygen injection time 5s were consistent with the recommended values (Table 3), and the standard deviation of the samples was improved (SD≈0.1‰). After acid rinse, the nitrogen values of GBW04701 and GBW04702 were consistent with the recommended values (Table 3), and the relative deviation was better (SD<0.1‰). The overall carbon isotope ratio analysis values were consistent with the recommended values (Table 4). The difference of δ13CVPDB between total carbon and organic carbon determined by GBW07107 was small and consistent with its carbon composition. The δ15N values of shale samples before and after acid treatment were basically the same in SAMPLE-1, while the δ15N values of shale samples after acid treatment were obviously changed in SAMPLE-2, which was related to the composition loss in the wash acid process of SAMPLE-2.
DISCUSSION(1) The optimized measurement conditions of EA-IRMS. Attempts were made to improve combustion efficiency by using double tin cup wrapping and increasing oxygen injection time. The relative deviation of double tin cup method was greater than 0.2‰ and obviously higher than that of single tin cup method, indicating that this method is not suitable. The reason may be related to the difference in combustion efficiency caused by the gap between double tin cups and the introduction of air when the sample is wrapped[19]. Appropriate increase of oxygen injection time in the analysis of GBW04701, GBW04702 and GBW04703 obtained satisfactory results, indicating that this method can effectively improve the accuracy of the technique, while this method did not significantly improve the standard deviation of δ15N value of Urea, which may be related to the matrix of the sample[20]. It may be the abundant carbon in shale. Therefore, it is necessary for nitrogen isotope ratio analysis in shale to be determined by carbon and nitrogen separately and adding carbon adsorbent. (2) The acid rinse method. The acid rinse method adopted has no significant effect on GBW04701 and GBW04702 on δ15N analysis and can effectively remove carbonate components. Ultrasonic was used to promote the reaction between acid/water and sample in the process of acid reaction and acid washing in the experiment, and the centrifugation time was appropriately increased in the centrifugation stage, which was conducive to the preservation of fine particle components. Compared with static reaction, the addition of ultrasonic reaction could improve the washing effect. The less washing times were thus contributing to the accuracy of δ15N analysis[47]. (3) The shale sample analysis. Although the acid treatment method adopted in the experiment has no obvious effect on the δ15N analysis of standards, significant composition loss and δ15N change were still observed in the analysis of shale samples. Moreover, the nitrogen content of shale samples of Longmaxi Formation was relatively high. Therefore, in order to accurately analyze the nitrogen content and δ15N analysis, direct analysis of samples is recommended for the whole-rock nitrogen isotope analysis of such samples. (4) The standard and reference materials. Carbon and nitrogen isotope reference materials with different characters and compositions were selected as calibration, monitoring and experimental study. USGS40, USGS41a and IAEA-600 standard samples were used for calibration and quality monitoring, and no obvious influence of matrix difference was found. Although they are Marine sediments, GBW04701, GBW04702, GBW04703 provide isotopic compositions of total carbon, organic carbon, total nitrogen and organic nitrogen. They are suitable for the analysis of carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios and the monitoring of acid treatment processes, especially the analysis of EA-IRMS technology[50]. In shale analysis, GBW04701, GBW04702 and GBW04703 were selected as monitoring to meet the requirements of nitrogen and total carbon and organic carbon isotope ratio analysis.
- shale /
- nitrogen isotope ratio /
- pretreatment method /
- standard
1. 实验部分
1.1 仪器装置
本次EA-IRMS分析系统主要由MAT 253Plus气体稳定同位素质谱仪、Flash 2000 HT元素分析仪以及ConFlo IV接口组成,均为美国ThermoFisher公司生产。其中元素分析仪采用氧化炉和还原炉一体化设计,实验采用仪器推荐方案装填:从上至下分别填充Cr2O3、还原性Cu、Ag2Co3O4, 在顶部、底部以及物料间填充石英棉。除水阱根据测定对象进行填充调整,即只采用高氯酸镁或在此基础上加入碳吸附剂(主要成分为氢氧化钠)两者各占50%。实验包裹样品的锡杯规格为:9mm×5mm;使用的载气He、助燃气O2、参考气N2的纯度都>99.999%。电恒温鼓风干燥箱为:DGG-9240B(上海森信实验仪器有限公司),低速台式大容量离心机为: TDL-5(金怡),超声波清洗器为:8510(美国Branson公司)。
1.2 测定条件
实验条件为:反应温度980℃;色谱柱温度50℃;载气流速100mL/min;参考气流速200mL/min;氧气流速175mL/min;注氧时间:碳分析时为3s,氮分析时为3s或5s。碳氮同位素比值采用分别测定的方式,测试时参考气峰3次,软件为ISODAT 3.0,每次分析均插入3~5件USGS40、USGS41a、IAEA-600、Urea标样进行校正和质量监控,含量计算采用USGS40为标准,测定前在天平上称取标准和样品的质量。
1.3 实验样品、标准及试剂
表 1 本次实验用于碳、氮质量和同位素比值分析的标准和参考物质Table 1. Standard and reference materials for carbon and nitrogen content and isotope ratio analysis in this experiment.标准物质
编号来源 性质 δ13CVPDB(‰) δ15NAIR-N2(‰) 碳氮含量和同位素
比值说明Urea Element Microanalysis Ltd 尿素 −37.02±0.06 −2.91±0.2 − USGS41a USGS 谷氨酸 36.55±0.08 47.55±0.15 − USGS40 USGS 谷氨酸 −26.39±0.04 −4.52±0.06 C: 40.8%; N: 9.52% IAEA-600 IAEA 咖啡因 −27.77±0.04 1.0±0.2 − GBW04701 国家标准物质 海洋沉积物 −8.22±0.17 3.99±0.22 总碳和总氮的同位素比值 −20.79±0.14 3.8±0.24 有机碳和有机氮的同位素比值 GBW04702 国家标准物质 海洋沉积物 −18.68±0.15 6.25±0.23 总碳和总氮的同位素比值 −23.63±0.11 6.48±0.28 有机碳和有机氮的同位素比值 GBW04703 国家标准物质 海洋沉积物 −10.64±0.15 4.68±0.23 总碳和总氮的同位素比值 −22.57±0.14 4.78±0.29 有机碳和有机氮的同位素比值 GBW07424 国家标准物质 土壤 − − 土壤成分标准,N: 0.126%±0.011% GBW07107 国家标准物质 页岩 − − 岩石成分标准,N: 540±60µg/g 盐酸为优级纯(成都市科隆化学品有限公司),采用去离子水配制成6mol/L浓度。
1.4 实验方法
2. 结果
2.1 不同测试条件下的分析结果
表 2 不同注氧时间和单/双锡杯方式下氮含量和同位素分析结果Table 2. The results of nitrogen content and isotope ratio under different oxygen injection time and single/double tin cup condition.标准物质
编号测定条件 称样量
(mg)N含量(%) δ15NAIR-N2(‰) 推荐值 测定值(n≥5) 推荐值 测定值(n≥5) Urea O: 3s+单锡杯 − − − −2.91±0.2 −2.93 ±0.13 O: 5s+单锡杯 − − − −3.03 ±0.13 O: 5s+双锡杯 − − − −3.16 ±0.29 GBW07424
O: 5s+单锡杯 <7 0.126±0.011 0.106±0.009 − 5.47±0.16 O: 5s+双锡杯 <7 0.100±0.010 6.09±0.27 O: 5s+单锡杯 15~20 0.119±0.004 6.80±0.16 O: 5s+单锡杯 ≥20 − 6.85±0.12 注:“-”表示该项无参考值或未作分析。 表 3 不同标准和样品的氮同位素分析结果Table 3. The results of nitrogen isotopes for reference materials and samples.标准物质和
样品编号样品前处理 δ15NAIR-N2 (‰) 样品前处理 δ15NAIR-N2 (‰) 推荐值 测定值(n≥5) 推荐值 测定值(n≥5) GBW04701 未前处理 3.99±0.22 3.82±0.08 6mol/L HCl 3.8±0.24 3.73±0.07 GBW04702 未前处理 6.25±0.23 6.30±0.07 6mol/L HCl 6.48±0.28 6.29±0.09 GBW04703 未前处理 4.68±0.23 4.65±0.1 − 4.78±0.29 − SAMPLE-1 未前处理 − −1.40±0.17 6mol/L HCl − −1.34±0.17 SAMPLE-2 未前处理 − −1.69±0.13 6mol/L HCl − 0.62±0.12 注:“-”表示该项无参考值或未作分析。 2.2 盐酸-酸洗法处理的测定结果
表 4 不同标准和样品的碳同位素分析结果Table 4. The results of carbon isotopes of reference materials and samples.标准物质和
样品编号样品前处理 δ13CVPDB (‰) 样品前处理 δ13CVPDB (‰) 推荐值 测定值(n≥5) 推荐值 测定值(n≥5) GBW04701 未前处理 −8.22±0.17 −8.39±0.02 6mol/L HCl −20.79±0.14 −21.03±0.05 GBW04702 未前处理 −18.68±0.15 −18.71±0.1 6mol/L HCl −23.63±0.11 −23.65±0.12 GBW07107 未前处理 − −30.47±0.12 6mol/L HCl − −30.34±0.07 SAMPLE-1 未前处理 − −28.68±0.15 6mol/L HCl − −29.53±0.11 SAMPLE-2 未前处理 − −30.69±0.02 6mol/L HCl − −30.75±0.11 2.3 页岩样品的测定结果
本次实验测定SAMPLE-1和SAMPLE-2的氮和碳同位素组成分别见表3和表4,采用酸处理前后的SAMPLE-1的δ15N基本一致,而SAMPLE-2则出现了明显的变化,从−1.69‰变化到0.62‰,这与SAMPLE-2酸洗过程有关。本次实验SAMPLE-2在最后一次水洗时,离心时无法分离出澄清的上清液,而这种情况在相同条件(水洗次数、离心参数和时间)处理其他标准和样品时都没有出现,即使尝试进一步的增加离心时间(30 min)依然无法获得澄清的上清液,随后将该液体置于烘箱干燥后,小心收集残留物并分析其δ13C和δ15N值分别为:−30.89‰和−0.88‰,该δ13C值与酸处理前后的样品差异相对较小,但δ15N值与两者有着明显的不同,且位于两者之间,这表明SAMPLE-2中δ15N值的变化与水洗过程中成分丢失有关,而其原因还有待进一步研究。SAMPLE-2在矿物分析中发现有明显的白云石,实验采用连续流磷酸法测定了其碳氧同位素组成(实验方法详见文献[42]),结果证明其含有少量的碳酸盐,其无机碳δ13C值约为−3.76‰,而SAMPLE-2的δ13C值在酸化前后变化较小,可能与碳酸盐含量相对较低有关。SAMPLE-1中有机碳含量更高,在矿物分析中没有发现明显的碳酸盐矿物,在对其碳酸盐碳氧同位素分析中也得到了印证,而其酸处理后δ13C值有微小但明显的变化(0.85‰),这可能与其含有可溶性有机质损失有关。同时实验采用XRD分析了SAMPLE-1和SAMPLE-2酸处理前后的矿物组分,没有发现明显的差异。
3. 讨论
3.1 EA-IRMS测试条件对氮同位素比值分析的影响
为了提高燃烧效能,EA-IRMS通常分析时添加V2O5,但V2O5在不同样品中燃烧效果存在差异[16-17,24,34],Han等[24]实验表明添加V2O5对分析页岩标准SGR-1没有明显的作用,同时有研究发现氮同位素可能会受到V2O5试剂的污染,从而引起同位素值变化[21],由于其具有毒性,实验操作要求较高,因而有研究[43]建议增加包裹锡量,而更多研究采用优化燃烧时的氧气注入条件[20,24]。由于仪器差异,不同研究采用[20,24]采用的注氧量和条件存在不同,同时过多的注氧量会加速还原铜的失效以及可能的氮空白。本研究通过采用双锡杯包裹和适当增加注氧时间的方式,以尝试提高燃烧效能。本次实验采用双锡杯方式测定结果的相对偏差都大于0.2‰且明显高于单锡杯方式,表明该方式并不合适。Langel等[19]研究了EA-IRMS分析中氮空白的来源,发现其与进样装置、反应管、胶囊包裹、氧气中的杂质以及样品残留有关,而不同来源的空白同位素组成变化很大,该研究建议分析固体样品中微量氮同位素比值时,降低氮空白是最有效的策略。本次分析的不加入锡杯、不含样品单锡杯、不含样品双锡杯在同等条件下测得的m/z 44分别为:小于 50mV;大于 50但小于300mV;在420~520mV之间。这表明锡杯中含有一定的碳,碳同位素测定时需要做空白校正,但是m/z 28都小于50mV,这表明实验中来至自仪器装置、气体杂质对氮的影响可以忽略。本次实验双锡杯方式相对偏差较大原因推测可能与包裹样品时,由于双层锡杯间隙导致的燃烧效能差异以及引入空气有关。适当增加注氧时间分析GBW04701、GBW04702、GBW04703取得了比较满意的结果,表明该方式能够有效地提高该技术的准确性和精度,而该方式对Urea的δ15N值的标准偏差没有明显的提高,这可能与样品性质有关。
3.2 盐酸-酸洗法的影响因素
对于页岩中氮同位素比值分析,采用样品直接分析还是采用酸处理后的样品与研究目的和样品情况有关。富有机质页岩样品可以采用直接分析,而其他类型样品,如富含碳酸盐则可以采用酸化前处理以富集样品中氮含量。酸化前处理方式中,盐酸-酸洗法和酸蒸法是两种常用方法,而盐酸-酸洗法在研究中更为普遍,本次研究采用盐酸-酸洗法进行无机碳的去除,以往研究发现该法可能会造成碳氮含量的丢失以及同位素比值的改变,而这与该方法过程中实验器皿、样品的粒度、酸浓度和纯度、反应温度和时间、脱酸方法及烘干温度等因素有关[26,44-49]。陈立雷等[47]研究发现使用聚丙烯和玻璃离心管进行酸处理所得样品的碳和氮同位素组成基本无差别,聚丙烯离心管在使用过程中相对更加方便和高效。本次采用50mL离心管能够更好地适用于相对较大的样品量以及离心机的高效使用。碳酸盐的去除程度与沉积岩样品的颗粒大小有关[44,49],从而会影响有机碳的分析。GB/T 19145—2003沉积岩中TOC分析标准中推荐的粒径为80目以上,但有研究表明当样品粉碎至 200目时会因为颗粒微小导致丢失[44],因而建议采用80~100目样品较为合适。不同实验室采用的盐酸浓度存在差异[26,45-46],较多采用2mol/L或6mol/L盐酸,酸浓度对沉积岩有机碳同位素影响有限,可能与其主要以干酪根形式存在有关。2mol/L盐酸能够有效地去除方解石,但是对于菱铁矿等不易酸溶的碳酸盐矿物,采用6mol/L盐酸更为有效[26],而高浓度酸也会增加洗酸工作量,为了更有效去除碳酸盐矿物,本研究选用6mol/L盐酸,并在常温下进行反应,从而减少温度对反应的影响、盐酸的挥发及含量的损失[44,49]。以往研究[46,47]表明洗酸过程中上清液分离是造成碳氮含量丢失以及同位素比值改变的重要影响。Brodie等[46]研究后建议分离时采用离心能够有效地减少细微颗粒组分的丢失,但是仍不可完全避免损失。相对于真空冷冻干燥,加热烘干相对便利,但过高的温度容易造成有机质的挥发,结合前人研究[44,47-49],本实验烘干温度设置为60℃。
3.3 样品性质及对氮同位素比值分析的影响
3.4 页岩分析中氮同位素标准物质运用探讨
本次实验选用不同性状和组成的碳、氮同位素标准物质作为校正、监控及实验研究。其中采用USGS40、USGS41a、IAEA-600、Urea标样进行校正和质量监控, USGS40、USGS41a、IAEA-600是有机碳和氮同位素分析最常用的标准,尽管在成分上与岩石矿物和土壤存在差异,但是在以往研究中发现也同样适用,本次实验以此为标准对GBW04701、GBW04702、GBW04703的测定中也未发现明显的基体差异影响。当前以页岩为基体的氮同位素国际标准,存在前文讨论的局限性,以页岩为基体的国家标准物质,除了GBW07107外(该标准氮含量低),其他标准物质都没有提供氮含量信息,更是缺乏氮同位素信息,因而目前都无法应用于页岩氮同位素比值的分析和研究。GBW04701、GBW04702、GBW04703尽管是海洋沉积物,但是该系列标准提供了全碳、有机碳、全氮和有机氮的同位素组成,适用于碳氮同位素比值分析以及酸处理过程的监控,特别是EA-IRMS 在线技术的分析[50]。综上所述,页岩分析时采用USGS40、USGS41a以及IAEA-600作为分析标准,选用GBW04701、GBW04702、GBW04703作为监控,适用并满足氮以及全碳和有机碳同位素比值分析的需要。
4. 结论
表 1 本次实验用于碳、氮质量和同位素比值分析的标准和参考物质
Table 1 Standard and reference materials for carbon and nitrogen content and isotope ratio analysis in this experiment.
编号来源 性质 δ13CVPDB(‰) δ15NAIR-N2(‰) 碳氮含量和同位素
比值说明Urea Element Microanalysis Ltd 尿素 −37.02±0.06 −2.91±0.2 − USGS41a USGS 谷氨酸 36.55±0.08 47.55±0.15 − USGS40 USGS 谷氨酸 −26.39±0.04 −4.52±0.06 C: 40.8%; N: 9.52% IAEA-600 IAEA 咖啡因 −27.77±0.04 1.0±0.2 − GBW04701 国家标准物质 海洋沉积物 −8.22±0.17 3.99±0.22 总碳和总氮的同位素比值 −20.79±0.14 3.8±0.24 有机碳和有机氮的同位素比值 GBW04702 国家标准物质 海洋沉积物 −18.68±0.15 6.25±0.23 总碳和总氮的同位素比值 −23.63±0.11 6.48±0.28 有机碳和有机氮的同位素比值 GBW04703 国家标准物质 海洋沉积物 −10.64±0.15 4.68±0.23 总碳和总氮的同位素比值 −22.57±0.14 4.78±0.29 有机碳和有机氮的同位素比值 GBW07424 国家标准物质 土壤 − − 土壤成分标准,N: 0.126%±0.011% GBW07107 国家标准物质 页岩 − − 岩石成分标准,N: 540±60µg/g 表 2 不同注氧时间和单/双锡杯方式下氮含量和同位素分析结果
Table 2 The results of nitrogen content and isotope ratio under different oxygen injection time and single/double tin cup condition.
编号测定条件 称样量
(mg)N含量(%) δ15NAIR-N2(‰) 推荐值 测定值(n≥5) 推荐值 测定值(n≥5) Urea O: 3s+单锡杯 − − − −2.91±0.2 −2.93 ±0.13 O: 5s+单锡杯 − − − −3.03 ±0.13 O: 5s+双锡杯 − − − −3.16 ±0.29 GBW07424
O: 5s+单锡杯 <7 0.126±0.011 0.106±0.009 − 5.47±0.16 O: 5s+双锡杯 <7 0.100±0.010 6.09±0.27 O: 5s+单锡杯 15~20 0.119±0.004 6.80±0.16 O: 5s+单锡杯 ≥20 − 6.85±0.12 注:“-”表示该项无参考值或未作分析。 表 3 不同标准和样品的氮同位素分析结果
Table 3 The results of nitrogen isotopes for reference materials and samples.
样品编号样品前处理 δ15NAIR-N2 (‰) 样品前处理 δ15NAIR-N2 (‰) 推荐值 测定值(n≥5) 推荐值 测定值(n≥5) GBW04701 未前处理 3.99±0.22 3.82±0.08 6mol/L HCl 3.8±0.24 3.73±0.07 GBW04702 未前处理 6.25±0.23 6.30±0.07 6mol/L HCl 6.48±0.28 6.29±0.09 GBW04703 未前处理 4.68±0.23 4.65±0.1 − 4.78±0.29 − SAMPLE-1 未前处理 − −1.40±0.17 6mol/L HCl − −1.34±0.17 SAMPLE-2 未前处理 − −1.69±0.13 6mol/L HCl − 0.62±0.12 注:“-”表示该项无参考值或未作分析。 表 4 不同标准和样品的碳同位素分析结果
Table 4 The results of carbon isotopes of reference materials and samples.
样品编号样品前处理 δ13CVPDB (‰) 样品前处理 δ13CVPDB (‰) 推荐值 测定值(n≥5) 推荐值 测定值(n≥5) GBW04701 未前处理 −8.22±0.17 −8.39±0.02 6mol/L HCl −20.79±0.14 −21.03±0.05 GBW04702 未前处理 −18.68±0.15 −18.71±0.1 6mol/L HCl −23.63±0.11 −23.65±0.12 GBW07107 未前处理 − −30.47±0.12 6mol/L HCl − −30.34±0.07 SAMPLE-1 未前处理 − −28.68±0.15 6mol/L HCl − −29.53±0.11 SAMPLE-2 未前处理 − −30.69±0.02 6mol/L HCl − −30.75±0.11 -
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1. 杨宗彩,徐学敏,杨佳佳,沈斌,苑坤,张小涛,许智超,翟佳. 沉积岩有机碳同位素组成测定的前处理方法研究. 岩矿测试. 2024(06): 847-857 . 本站查看
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