Alkali-Modified Zeolite: Adsorption Performance for Pb and Ammonia-Nitrogen and Its Remediation Effect on Soil from Rare Earth Mines
Abstract:BACKGROUNDCo-contaminated soils in rare earth mining areas, particularly with Pb and ammonia-nitrogen, present a significant environmental challenge. These contaminants have the potential for lasting, irreversible effects on both ecosystems and human health. Therefore, developing efficient, sustainable, and cost-effective soil remediation techniques is critical. Remediation in these areas is not only vital for reducing environmental pollution and protecting ecosystems but also supports sustainable mining practices and resource utilization. Current research in this field, especially regarding Pb and ammonia-nitrogen co-contamination, is limited. Zeolite adsorption, a popular method globally, is effective in treating heavy metal contamination in soils, showing superior results over lime and phosphate treatments. However, enhancing the adsorption capacity of natural zeolite is necessary, for which various modification methods are being explored. Among these, wood vinegar, a product of biomass pyrolysis, shows promise in improving pollutant removal due to its antimicrobial properties. This study explores the potential of wood vinegar as an additive to alkali-modified zeolite to stabilize heavy metals and ammonia-nitrogen in soils.
OBJECTIVESIn order to tackle the remediation of co-contaminated soil in rare earth mines.
METHODSWood vinegar, sodium hydroxide, and wood vinegar-sodium hydroxide were employed for zeolite modification, and Pb and ammonia-nitrogen speciation were determined by a continuous extraction method. Dynamic adsorption experiments were conducted to preliminarily analyze distinct modified zeolites’ adsorption performance. Optimal mixing ratio of modified zeolites with soil samples was determined by column leaching experiments. Through indoor stabilization experiments, the stabilization effects of different modified zeolites on Pb and ammonia-nitrogen were compared, and chemical speciation changes and their environmental implications were discussed. Investigating the stabilizing impact of various modified zeolites on soil Pb and ammonia-nitrogen, including their influence on specific ammonia-nitrogen forms, was further explored. SEM, BET, and XRD analyses were employed to assess morphological changes and phase composition variations of zeolites before and after modification. Considering process and cost, alkali-modified zeolite was chosen for pilot-scale tests, verifying the stabilization efficacy of remediation materials in practical applications.
RESULTSAdsorption performance in aqueous solutions. NaOH-MZ (modified zeolite by sodium hydroxide) and NaOH-2%WV-MZ (modified zeolite by sodium hydroxide combined with 2% wood vinegar) exhibited outstanding performance in Pb removal, achieving over 94% removal from a 200mg/L initial concentration. For ammonia-nitrogen removal, NaOH-2%WV-MZ and NaOH-MZ outperformed other zeolites, with removal rates of 66% and 65% for 30 mg/L, and 44% for 100mg/L. The adsorption efficiency of modified zeolite on ammonia-nitrogen varied with concentration, suggesting a correlation with zeolite dosage. Increasing modified zeolite dosage can enhance adsorption efficiency, as higher concentrations of ammonia-nitrogen reach saturation more rapidly. Column leaching experiments. At a 2% addition ratio of alkali-modified zeolite in soil, the most effective reduction in available Pb and ammonia-nitrogen forms was observed. Reduction trends continued over time, with a 50% decrease in Pb available form after 40 days and a 73% decrease in ammonia-nitrogen’s available form after 6 days. Stabilization effects on soil Pb and ammonia-nitrogen. NaOH-MZ and NaOH-2%WV-MZ exhibited stabilization effects on soil Pb and facilitated the transformation of ammonia-nitrogen. After 7 days, NaOH-MZ reduced available Pb content by 20%, and NaOH-2%WV-MZ by 26%, surpassing control and NaCl-MZ. The stabilization effect persisted over time, with optimal outcomes observed in the 6th week for 2% NaOH-MZ and NaOH-2%WV-MZ. Microscopic analysis. Alkali-modified zeolites showed structural changes favoring adsorption, with NaOH-2%WV modification leading to a looser structure with enhanced adsorption potential. The alkaline modification process involves cation exchange and leaching of silica components, transforming impurities like quartz into active silicates and amorphous silica. Pilot-scale tests. In an abandoned rare earth mining area, pilot-scale tests demonstrated the efficacy of 2% alkali-modified zeolite in reducing soil ammonia-nitrogen content. After 6 months, a remarkable reduction of 94.61% was achieved, highlighting the potential of alkali-modified zeolites for sustainable soil remediation.
CONCLUSIONSAlkali and alkali-wood vinegar modifications enhanced zeolite structure, reducing impurities like quartz, and improving adsorption. Experiments show that alkali-modified zeolites, particularly at a 2% addition rate, effectively remove Pb and ammonia-nitrogen, achieving up to 50% Pb stabilization and a 94.61% reduction in ammonia-nitrogen in field trials. This research informs effective soil remediation technologies and sustainable development. While showing promise, further investigation is needed to assess long-term stability.
- modified zeolite /
- ionic rare earth mine /
- available Pb /
- ammonia nitrogen form /
- soil remediation
离子型稀土矿中稀土元素主要以三价离子的形式存在,开采的浸矿工艺常用电解质溶液置换出稀土离子[1-2]。因此,稀土矿山土壤主要问题是氨氮和重金属的复合污染,NH4 +、NO3 −、NO2 −和Pb2+含量超过背景值[3]。在开采中大量使用铵盐浸矿剂等导致与稀土矿物共生的含铅矿物释放出铅离子,同时降低了土壤pH,提高了重金属的迁移性,重金属等有害元素通过水循环系统进入生态系统,并在人体中累积效应给区域人群健康带来巨大的潜在风险[4-7]。目前已有研究对稀土矿山土壤的生态修复技术系统性研究较少,尤其对铅和氨氮的复合污染修复亟需开展深入研究[8-11]。稀土矿山的土壤修复为实现环境友好型矿山和可持续资源利用提供重要支撑,对减轻环境污染、保护生态系统、维护人类健康都有重要意义。
目前,吸附重金属离子和氨氮是应用最广泛的方法,该方法效果好、成本低、具有环保价值[12]。天然沸石是一种优质的黏土矿物吸附材料,研究表明与石灰、磷酸盐相比,沸石在修复重金属(如镉、铜、铅、锌、锰等)污染土壤方面表现更为出色,同时对氨氮、总磷、氟、诺氟沙星等也有良好的吸附效果[13-16]。张曦等[17]研究了氨氮在天然沸石上的吸附及解吸,沸石的最大吸附量可达115mg/g;张宏华等[18]实验说明天然沸石对水中的Pb2+和Cu2+具有较好的吸附能力;秦余丽等[19]发现施用沸石可以降低土壤中Cd有效态,还能增加作物生长量。天然沸石对氨氮具有优先选择的交换性,对阳离子选择交换的顺序为[20]:Cs+>Rb+>K+>NH4 +>Pb2+>Ag+>Ba2+>Na+>Sr2+>Ca2+>Li+>Cd2+>Cu2+>Zn2+。Caputo等[21]综合大量实验数据,研究了天然沸石的离子交换能力及热力学吸附参数,表明斜发沸石对NH4 +、Pb2+、Cs+、Ba2+具有良好的选择性。
1. 实验部分
1.1 实验样品和主要试剂
1.2 仪器和设备
采用Sigma 500型扫描电子显微镜(德国蔡司公司)对改性后沸石的形貌进行表征;通过Ultima Ⅳ型X射线衍射仪(日本Rigaku公司)分析改性后沸石的结构变化;使用Autosorb-1型比表面与孔隙度分析仪(美国康塔仪器公司)测试改性沸石的比表面积及孔容;使用TJA-IRIS-Advantage型电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(美国ThermoFisher公司)测试重金属元素铅的含量;使用UV-1800紫外可见分光光度计(日本Shimadzu公司)测试氨氮的含量。
1.3 沸石的改性方法
1.4 改性沸石对铅和氨氮的动力吸附实验
1.4.1 铅
1.4.2 氨氮
1.5 柱淋滤实验
表 1 模拟雨水成分Table 1. The composition of the simulative rainwater.成分指标 浓度
(mg/L)成分指标 浓度
(mg/L)Na+ 0.12 HCO3 − 14.7 K+ 0.07 Cl− 5.26 Ca2+ 0.13 SO4 2− 1.17 Mg2+ 0.03 pH 5.69 实验使用的有机玻璃柱长20cm,内径5cm,在玻璃柱上下两端分别填1cm高的石英砂,3根柱装填材料如下:老化土(对照组)柱;老化土-1%NaOH-MZ柱;老化土-2%NaOH-MZ柱(其中1%、2%表示按土壤的质量百分比添加改性材料)。定期测试每个柱子淋出液中的铅和氨氮含量,通过该实验确定改性沸石与土壤样品的最佳混合比例。
1.6 改性沸石的稳定化实验
1.7 化学形态分析方法
1.7.1 铅有效态测定方法
称取10g风干过20目筛的土样,加入50mL 0.1mol/L盐酸浸提液,用振荡器振荡1.5h,过滤,用ICP-MS测定溶液中的铅浓度。
1.7.2 铅形态顺序提取方法
步骤2:提取铅的可还原态。加40mL 0.5mol/L盐酸羟胺于步骤1留下的固体1中,室温下振荡16h,分离测定均与步骤1相同,留下固体2。
步骤3:提取铅的可氧化态。加10mL 8.8mol/L过氧化氢于步骤2留下的固体2中,离心管加盖在室温下反应1h,在反应过程中不断摇晃,然后在85℃水浴中消解1h,前0.5h不断摇晃,去盖消解,挥发至离心管中的过氧化氢减少到1~2mL,再向离心管中加入10mL过氧化氢溶液并在85℃水浴加热消解至近干,冷却后向残余物中加入50mL 1mol/L乙酸铵,室温下振荡16h,分离测定与步骤1相同,留下固体3。
1.7.3 氨氮形态提取方法
表 2 土壤中氨氮形态的萃取方法Table 2. Extraction method of ammonia nitrogen form in soil.萃取剂 氨氮形态 萃取次数
(h)75%(V∶V)乙醇 残渣态 5 0.3 去离子水 水溶态 5 3 1mol/L氯化钾溶液 可交换态 3 3 2. 结果与讨论
2.1 改性沸石对水中铅和氨氮的吸附效果
2.1.1 对铅的吸附效果
2.1.2 对氨氮的吸附效果
2.2 柱淋滤实验结果
2.3 改性沸石对土壤中铅和氨氮的稳定化效果
表 3 不同沸石对土壤中铅有效态的影响(2%添加比例)Table 3. Effect of different zeolites (2%) on Pb effective status in soil.稳定化时间
(周)铅有效态含量(mg/kg) NZ NaCl-MZ NaOH-MZ NaOH-2%WV-MZ 1 12.39 11.35 10.81 10.76 2 12.32 10.64 10.10 9.20 3 11.64 9.47 6.52 6.16 4 11.55 8.00 6.39 6.06 5 10.85 7.42 6.27 6.00 6 9.63 6.52 6.11 5.86 固化率(%) 24 49 52 59 图5为土壤添加2%不同改性沸石老化15天后氨氮的形态变化(1.6节):添加2%的NaOH-MZ使土壤中氨氮水溶态降低16.1%,而离子交换态和残渣态分别增加13.7%、2.4%;添加2%的NaOH-2%WV-MZ使土壤中氨氮水溶态降低11.3%,而离子交换态和残渣态分别增加11%、0.3%。实验结果进一步表明NaOH-MZ和NaOH-2%WV-MZ不仅能对土壤中铅起到稳定化效果,同时将氨氮的形态由不稳定态向稳定态转化。
2.4 改性沸石微观表征分析
2.4.1 扫描电镜分析微观结构变化
2.4.2 比表面积及孔径变化
表 4 改性沸石的比表面积和孔容变化Table 4. Specific surface area and pore volume variation of the modified zeolites.样品 比表面积
(cm3/g)NZ 30.381 0.015 NaOH-MZ 29.979 0.014 NaOH-2%WV-MZ 28.291 0.014 2.4.3 X射线衍射分析晶体结构变化
2.5 修复材料技术示范验证
表 5 中试实验土壤中氨氮的含量Table 5. The content of ammonia nitrogen in the experimental soil.实验组 不同时间的氨氮含量(mg/kg) 0个月 2个月 6个月 CK 336.583 220.583 57.308 T3 294.383 31.717 15.867 3. 结论
表 1 模拟雨水成分
Table 1 The composition of the simulative rainwater.
成分指标 浓度
(mg/L)成分指标 浓度
(mg/L)Na+ 0.12 HCO3 − 14.7 K+ 0.07 Cl− 5.26 Ca2+ 0.13 SO4 2− 1.17 Mg2+ 0.03 pH 5.69 表 2 土壤中氨氮形态的萃取方法
Table 2 Extraction method of ammonia nitrogen form in soil.
萃取剂 氨氮形态 萃取次数
(h)75%(V∶V)乙醇 残渣态 5 0.3 去离子水 水溶态 5 3 1mol/L氯化钾溶液 可交换态 3 3 表 3 不同沸石对土壤中铅有效态的影响(2%添加比例)
Table 3 Effect of different zeolites (2%) on Pb effective status in soil.
(周)铅有效态含量(mg/kg) NZ NaCl-MZ NaOH-MZ NaOH-2%WV-MZ 1 12.39 11.35 10.81 10.76 2 12.32 10.64 10.10 9.20 3 11.64 9.47 6.52 6.16 4 11.55 8.00 6.39 6.06 5 10.85 7.42 6.27 6.00 6 9.63 6.52 6.11 5.86 固化率(%) 24 49 52 59 表 4 改性沸石的比表面积和孔容变化
Table 4 Specific surface area and pore volume variation of the modified zeolites.
样品 比表面积
(cm3/g)NZ 30.381 0.015 NaOH-MZ 29.979 0.014 NaOH-2%WV-MZ 28.291 0.014 表 5 中试实验土壤中氨氮的含量
Table 5 The content of ammonia nitrogen in the experimental soil.
实验组 不同时间的氨氮含量(mg/kg) 0个月 2个月 6个月 CK 336.583 220.583 57.308 T3 294.383 31.717 15.867 -
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