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董亚妮, 熊英, 裴若会, 张笑, 谢光晋, 崔长征

董亚妮,熊英,裴若会,等. 砷矿石化学物相分析——雌黄和雄黄选择性分离条件研究[J]. 岩矿测试,2024,43(2):270−280. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202208050145
引用本文: 董亚妮,熊英,裴若会,等. 砷矿石化学物相分析——雌黄和雄黄选择性分离条件研究[J]. 岩矿测试,2024,43(2):270−280. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202208050145
DONG Yani,XIONG Ying,PEI Ruohui,et al. Chemical Phase Analysis of Arsenic Ores—A Study on Selective Separation Conditions of Orpiment and Realgar[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis,2024,43(2):270−280. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202208050145
Citation: DONG Yani,XIONG Ying,PEI Ruohui,et al. Chemical Phase Analysis of Arsenic Ores—A Study on Selective Separation Conditions of Orpiment and Realgar[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis,2024,43(2):270−280. DOI: 10.15898/j.ykcs.202208050145


基金项目: 国土资源部公益性行业科研专项项目(201211016-2);陕西省地矿集团有限公司地质科研专项基金项目(KY201903)


  • 中图分类号: P574.2

Chemical Phase Analysis of Arsenic Ores—A Study on Selective Separation Conditions of Orpiment and Realgar

  • 摘要:








    (1) The separation conditions of orpiment and realgar samples were determined by single mineral selective separation technique.

    (2) Ammonia was a good leaching agent for the selective separation of orpiment and realgar, and the leaching rates were 92.2% and 2.4%, respectively.

    (3) Iodine can oxidize realgar into arsenic oxide soluble in alkali, and the leaching rate of realgar was increased from 75.8% to 92.2%.


    Significance: Orpiment and realgar are common arsenic sulfide minerals[2] and are produced together in low-temperature hydrothermal deposits and sulfur volcanic fumaroles, so orpiment is a symbiotic mineral of realgar. It is difficult to achieve the separation of orpiment and realgar due to its symbiosis and similar physicochemical properties. At present, there are several methods for arsenic removal in industry, including roasting[4], hot pressing, and bacterial oxidation. The roasting method causes significant pollution; The hot pressing method requires high technical requirements, which need a corrosion-resistant equipment and has the risk of high pressure and high oxygen; The bacterial oxidation method has the advantages of low investment, simple process, and environmental friendliness. Liu Rongli et al.[5] conducted an experiment on the treatment of Pingding gold mine in Gansu Province, which contains both orpiment and realgar; Liu Shugen et al.[6] proposed the application of bacterial oxidation arsenic removal technology in the treatment process of arsenic containing solid waste residue; Yuan Qiuhong et al.[7] studied the biological leaching mechanism of different bacterial strains on orpiment. The results of such studies indicate that bacterial oxidation methods can not effectively separate orpiment and realgar from minerals or solid waste residue, and their respective leaching rates cannot be obtained. Meanwhile, these exist a disadvantage of long leaching cycles. Thus, the establishment of an efficient and reasonable chemical phase separation and analysis method for the symbiotic ore of orpiment and realgar has guiding significance for the exploration, evaluation, beneficiation process research and industrial application of arsenic ore.

    Methods: The arsenic ores of Shimen in Hunan Province were collected and analyzed. The single minerals of orpiment and realgar were selected from the 0.25mm test samples, and the single minerals were carefully ground to 0.100-0.074mm with agate mortar (the particle size was observed with a microscope while grinding). The single mineral selective separation technology was used to separate the single mineral samples of 0.100-0.074mm. Ammonia was used to extract orpiment. Sodium hydroxide solution was used to extract realgar, and oxidant iodine was added to oxidize realgar into arsenic oxide that was easily soluble in alkali, thus effectively improving the leaching rate of realgar.

    Data and Results: Through the single mineral optimization experiment, the optimal leaching conditions of orpiment were as follows: water bath temperature 35℃, ammonia concentration 4mol/L, and leaching time 6h. Under these conditions, the leaching rates of orpiment, realgar and arsenopyrite were 92.2%, 2.4% and 3.2%, respectively. Four kinds of leaching agents, namely ammonia carbonate, sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium hydroxide, were selected to carry out leaching tests on realgar arsenopyrite. During the leaching of the ammonia carbonate solution, the leaching rate of realgar and arsenopyrite was 1.5% and 1.2%, respectively; for the leaching agent of sodium carbonate, the leaching rate of realgar and arsenopyrite was 64% and 1.0%, respectively; in potassium hydroxide solution, black precipitate was formed and the leaching rate of arsenopyrite was 2.5%, indicating that potassium hydroxide could not effectively leach realgar; in NaOH solution, the leaching rate of realgar was 70.2% and that of arsenopyrite was 2.2%, so NaOH solution was selected as an extracting agent of realgar. Further condition optimization showed that when the concentration of NaOH solution was 2mol/L and boiling water bath for 2h, the highest leaching rate of realgar was 75.8%, and the leaching rate of arsenopyrite was 3.7%. Realgar is susceptible to oxidation due to its spatial structure, in which the sulfide of As(Ⅱ) is often oxidized to the oxide of As(Ⅲ, Ⅴ) and released in alkaline solution, which can improve the solubility of realgar. Therefore, the effects of different oxidants on the extraction rate of realgar were further explored. H2O2 was used to oxidize realgar, and the leaching rate of realgar was 94%, where the single mineral of arsenopyrite gradually changed from gray-black to yellow while leaching realgar, indicating that the surface of arsenopyrite was severely oxidized by H2O2. At this time, the leaching rate of arsenopyrite was as high as 50%, so the oxidant with weak oxidation should be selected for the test. I2 or KMnO4 were used to oxidize realgar. In the presence of oxidants I2 and KMnO4, the extraction rate of realgar was more than 90%, but during the oxidative leaching process, the solution with KMnO4 appeared as a dark purple precipitate and had poor operability, so I2 was selected as the oxidant in this experiment. The oxidation of I2 increased the leaching rate of realgar to 92.2%, and 26.3% of the arsenopyrite was leached. This condition had the best effect on the leaching of realgar, but the experimental effect on arsenopyrite was not ideal. For the arsenic ore dominated by orpiment, the content of arsenopyrite was small or trace, and the leaching of arsenopyrite did not affect the selective separation results of realgar. Under the condition of selective separation, the relative deviation between the analytical values of orpiment and realgar samples and the measured values of X-ray diffractometer and automatic mineral analyzer was less than 14.0%.

  • 自然界中,砷主要以硫化物、硫铁化物、氧化物、砷酸盐等多种状态存在1。雌黄和雄黄是常见的砷硫化物类矿物2。中国雄黄雌黄矿产资源丰富,名列世界前茅3。雌黄和雄黄一起在低温热液矿床和硫质火山喷气孔产生,所以雌黄是雄黄的共生矿物,由于其共生和相似的物理化学性质,很难实现雌黄和雄黄的分离。目前工业上脱砷(雌黄和雄黄)的方法有:焙烧法4、热压法和细菌氧化法等。焙烧法污染较大;热压法技术要求高,设备需耐腐蚀,有高压高氧的危险,投资大;细菌氧化法具有投资少、工艺简单、环境友好的优点。刘荣丽等5在处理含雌黄、雄黄的甘肃坪定金矿试验中,采用细菌氧化砷硫化物(雌黄和雄黄)的浸出效果明显;刘树根等6提出将细菌氧化脱砷技术用于含砷固体废渣的处理工艺中,都没有涉及雌黄和雄黄的细菌氧化机理及雌黄、雄黄各自的浸出效果。袁秋红等7研究了不同菌种对雌黄的生物浸出机理,结果表明,嗜酸氧化硫硫杆菌浸出雌黄的效果较好,此研究也没有涉及对雄黄的浸取机理,同时存在浸取周期长的不足。因此,针对雌黄、雄黄共生矿建立一种高效、合理的化学物相分离分析方法,对于雌黄、雄黄砷矿石勘查、评价、选矿工艺流程研究及工业应用具有重要的指导意义。



    ICP-OES 7400型电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(美国)。主要工作条件为:高频发生器射频功率1150W,工作气体为高纯氩气,雾化器流速0.6L/min,辅助气流速0.5L/min,泵速50r/min,观测高度为12mm,波长为189.042nm或193.759nm(用于测量砷的氧化相和毒砂相)。


    砷标准溶液[ρ(As)=1.00mg/mL](国家有色金属及电子材料分析测试中心,GSB 04-1714-2004)。



    配制浸取剂的试剂均为优级纯,实验室用水为符合 GB/T 6682—2008的二级水。



    实验样品:人工初选样品(编号:SY-1、SY-2、SY-3、SY-4、SY-5);配制样品(编号:SH-7、SH-6、SH-3、SH-2、SH-9),砷含量约为5%~28%(参考砷矿床工业品位)。样品的均匀性均满足《地质矿产实验室测试质量管理规范》 第2部分:岩石矿物分析试样制备(DZ/T 0130.2—2006)的要求。

    按照流程图1的步骤进行样品制备。称取0.2000~0.5000g样品于250mL玻璃锥形瓶中,加入100mL 2mol/L盐酸,加塞,室温下振荡浸取1.5h,过滤,水洗涤,得残渣1、滤液1(砷氧化物相溶液)。将残渣1放回原锥形瓶中,加入100mL 4mol/L氨水,于35℃恒温水浴器中振荡浸取6h,过滤,用5%氨水洗涤,得残渣2、滤液2(雌黄相溶液)。将残渣2放回原锥形瓶中,加入100mL 2mol/L氢氧化钠溶液,沸水浴浸取1.5h(间隔15min搅拌一次),加入1g碘,继续沸水浴浸取0.5h(间隔8min搅拌一次),取下,加水过滤,水洗涤,得残渣3、滤液3(雄黄相溶液)。将残渣3放回原锥形瓶中,加入50mL硝酸、5mL硫酸,在电热板上消解至冒三氧化硫白烟,溶液呈无色或浅黄色(若呈黑色,补加硝酸,不能蒸干),取下冷却,加入20mL水,加热浸提,得到毒砂相溶液。

    图  1  以雌黄和雄黄为主的砷矿石化学物相分析方法流程
    Figure  1.  Process flow of chemical phase analysis of arsenic ore dominated by orpiment and realgar



    图  2  湖南石门矿石电子探针照片(a)及光薄片显微照片(b, c, d)
    Figure  2.  Electron probe photograph (a) and optical thin section micrographs (b, c, d) of Shimen ore in Hunan.
    a. Electron probe photo; b. Realgar (Rlg) is replaced by arsenic (Arl) and orpiment (Orp),orpiment is distributed on the edge of realgar; c. Plate crystals of orpiment (Orp); d. Knot-like structure of realgar (Rlg).


    $$ \begin{split} \mathrm{As}_2 \mathrm{~S}_3+6 \mathrm{NH}_4 \mathrm{OH}=& \left(\mathrm{NH}_4\right)_3 \mathrm{AsO}_3+\\&\left(\mathrm{NH}_4\right)_3 \mathrm{AsS}_3+ 3 \mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O} \end{split}$$ (1)


    图  3  不同温度(a)、氨水浓度(b)和浸取时间(c)下雌黄和雄黄的提取率
    Figure  3.  The extraction rates of orpiment and realgar at different temperatures (a), different concentrations of ammonia (b), and different extraction time(c).










    称取雄黄、毒砂单矿物两组,一组加入1gI2,另一组加入1mL 0.5% KMnO4溶液,在2mol/L氢氧化钠溶液中,沸水浴2h,过滤,测定滤液中的砷,并计算雄黄、毒砂的浸取率。结果表明:在氧化剂I2、KMnO4存在下,雄黄浸取率均达90%以上,但在氧化浸取过程中,加入KMnO4的溶液出现深紫色沉淀,可操作性差,所以本实验选择I2作氧化剂。进而对I2氧化雄黄进行条件优化,当氧化时间为30min,I2用量为1.0g时,I2的氧化作用使雄黄的浸取率提高至92.2%,同时有26.3%的毒砂浸出。该条件对雄黄的浸取效果最佳,但对毒砂的试验效果不理想。



    (1) X射线衍射分析验证


    本文采用X射线衍射仪分析砷矿石样品中砷矿物含量(砷含量小于1%的砷矿物,X射线衍射仪不能报出检测结果),数据为三次平均值,结果见表1。SY-1、SY-2、SY-3、SY-4、SY-5样品中雌黄的X射线衍射测定值与化学物相测定值相比,其相对偏差最高为−12.0%,雄黄的X射线衍射测定值与化学物相测定值相比,其相对偏差最高为−11.3%。雌黄和雄黄的X射线衍射测定值与化学物相测定值相比,相对偏差均小于14.0%,数据偏差满足DZ/T 0130.3—2006质量规范的要求。

    表  1  砷矿石中雌黄和雄黄化学物相分析数据与X射线衍射分析仪分析数据比对
    Table  1.  Comparison of the measured data obtained by chemical phase analysis and those of X-ray diffraction analyzer for orpiment and realgar in arsenic ores
    样品编号 雌黄 雄黄
    SY-1 6.36 6.5 −1.1 4.38 4.5 −1.4
    SY-2 2.33 2.0 7.6 2.39 3.0 −11.3
    SY-3 2.45 2.0 10.1 4.98 5.0 −0.2
    SY-4 2.12 2.7 −12.0 8.83 9.0 −0.95
    SY-5 4.69 5.0 −3.2 12.12 12.0 0.50
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    矿物学参数自动定量分析测试系统(Mineral liberation analyzer,MLA),是目前先进的工艺矿物学参数自动定量分析测试系统。MLA由一台FEI扫描电镜和一个或两个EDAX能谱构成,其基本工作原理为:首先利用背散射电子图像区分不同物相,同时结合能谱分析快速准确地鉴定矿物并采集相关信息,然后通过现代图像分析技术进行数据的计算与处理从而获取所需的工艺矿物学研究参数。刘婷婷等30以MLA为主要工艺矿物学研究手段,结合扫描电镜、化学多元素分析、能谱分析等方法,为广西某铜铅锌银多金属矿产品掺假案件提供可靠证据。

    本文使用全自动矿物分析仪对砷矿石样品进行矿物定量扫描分析(该样品中砷华相和毒砂相含量较低,MLA未能给出检测结果),数据为三次平均值,结果见表2。样品SH-7、SH-6、SH-3、SH-2、SH-9中雌黄MLA测定值与化学物相测定值的相对偏差最高为11.0%,而雄黄MLA测定值与化学物相测定值的相对偏差最高为13.7%。雌黄和雄黄MLA测定值与化学物相测定值的相对偏差均小于14.0%,数据偏差满足《地质矿产实验室测试质量管理规范 第3部分:岩石矿物化学成分分析质量规范》(DZ/T 0130.3—2006)质量规范的要求。

    表  2  砷矿石中雌黄和雄黄化学物相分析数据与全自动矿物分析仪分析数据比对
    Table  2.  Comparison of measured data obtained by chemical phase analysis and those of automatic mineral analyzer for realgar and orpiment in arsenic ores
    样品编号 雌黄 雄黄
    SH-7 2.62 3.46×0.606=2.10 11.0 2.32 2.51×0.700=1.76 13.7
    SH-6 3.01 5.23×0.606=3.17 −2.6 4.70 6.48×0.700=4.53 1.7
    SH-3 3.23 5.85×0.606=3.54 −4.6 8.04 11.24×0.700=7.86 1.1
    SH-2 4.94 8.37×0.606=5.07 −1.3 12.52 17.32×0.700=12.12 1.6
    SH-9 17.01 25.99×0.606=15.75 3.8 9.30 12.71×0.700=8.89 2.3
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    实验样品各矿物相相态数据加和与全量分析数据比对见表3。SH-7、SH-6、SH-3、SH-2、SH-9低含量到高含量样品各矿物相相态数据加和与全量分析数据的相对标准偏差均小于5%,结果满足《地质矿产实验室测试质量管理规范》 第3部分:岩石矿物化学成分分析质量规范(DZ/T 0130.3—2006)要求。

    表  3  砷矿石各矿物相数据加和与全量数据的相对偏差
    Table  3.  The relative standard deviation of the sum of the data of each mineral phase and the total data of arsenic ores
    样品编号 全量As测定值
    SH-7 5.70 5.84 −1.2
    SH-6 8.71 8.65 0.35
    SH-3 12.72 12.72 0.00
    SH-2 18.95 18.87 0.21
    SH-9 27.90 28.06 −0.29
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    按照《测量方法与结果的准确度(正确度与精密度) 第2部分:确定标准测量方法重复性与再现性的基本方法》(GB/T 6379.2—2004)的要求。邀请8家实验室(安徽省地质实验研究所、河南省岩石矿物测试中心、湖北省地质实验测试中心、国土资源部南京矿产资源监督检测中心、山东省地质科学研究院、西北有色地质研究院、中南冶金地质研究所、贵州省地质矿产中心实验室)共同参与精密度协作试验。本次协作实验仅对化学选择性分离流程进行验证,依据化学物相方法选择对应的测量方法。在SH-7、SH-6、SH-3、SH-2、SH-9五个样品中,每个样品分取4份重复分析样品已提前抽取密码编号,但每个样品只需提供单次测量结果,确保重复测定的客观性。根据8家实验室的精密度协作实验数据,从统计学角度,验证精密度的可行度31-32。经Grubbs法和Cochron法检验,剔除各项(总砷、砷华中砷、雌黄中砷、雄黄中砷、毒砂中砷)检测结果的离群值,重新进行检验和统计。样品的总量和各个矿物相分量均具有5个不同浓度梯度,计算分析方法的重复性限、再现性限。实验结果(表4)表明,分析方法的重复性限和再现性限具有良好的线性关系,进一步证实分析方法具有较好的稳定性,为砷矿石化学物相分析的质量控制提供科学依据。

    表  4  砷矿石各矿物相化学物相分析方法的重复性限和再现性限
    Table  4.  Repeatability and reproducibility limits of chemical phase analysis of arsenic ores
    总砷 5.59~27.78 r=0.26+0.0016m R=−0.55+0.60ln(m)
    砷华中砷 0.29~0.72 r=0.019+0.087m R=−0.0049+0.55m
    雌黄中砷 2.74~17.13 r=0.029+0.076m R=0.74+0.061m
    雄黄中砷 2.38~12.35 r=0.19+0.023m R=0.82−0.0007m
    毒砂中砷 0.24~0.88 r=0.038+0.080m R=0.035+0.23m
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  • 图  1   以雌黄和雄黄为主的砷矿石化学物相分析方法流程

    Figure  1.   Process flow of chemical phase analysis of arsenic ore dominated by orpiment and realgar

    图  2   湖南石门矿石电子探针照片(a)及光薄片显微照片(b, c, d)


    Figure  2.   Electron probe photograph (a) and optical thin section micrographs (b, c, d) of Shimen ore in Hunan.

    a. Electron probe photo; b. Realgar (Rlg) is replaced by arsenic (Arl) and orpiment (Orp),orpiment is distributed on the edge of realgar; c. Plate crystals of orpiment (Orp); d. Knot-like structure of realgar (Rlg).

    图  3   不同温度(a)、氨水浓度(b)和浸取时间(c)下雌黄和雄黄的提取率

    Figure  3.   The extraction rates of orpiment and realgar at different temperatures (a), different concentrations of ammonia (b), and different extraction time(c).

    表  1   砷矿石中雌黄和雄黄化学物相分析数据与X射线衍射分析仪分析数据比对

    Table  1   Comparison of the measured data obtained by chemical phase analysis and those of X-ray diffraction analyzer for orpiment and realgar in arsenic ores

    样品编号 雌黄 雄黄
    SY-1 6.36 6.5 −1.1 4.38 4.5 −1.4
    SY-2 2.33 2.0 7.6 2.39 3.0 −11.3
    SY-3 2.45 2.0 10.1 4.98 5.0 −0.2
    SY-4 2.12 2.7 −12.0 8.83 9.0 −0.95
    SY-5 4.69 5.0 −3.2 12.12 12.0 0.50
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    表  2   砷矿石中雌黄和雄黄化学物相分析数据与全自动矿物分析仪分析数据比对

    Table  2   Comparison of measured data obtained by chemical phase analysis and those of automatic mineral analyzer for realgar and orpiment in arsenic ores

    样品编号 雌黄 雄黄
    SH-7 2.62 3.46×0.606=2.10 11.0 2.32 2.51×0.700=1.76 13.7
    SH-6 3.01 5.23×0.606=3.17 −2.6 4.70 6.48×0.700=4.53 1.7
    SH-3 3.23 5.85×0.606=3.54 −4.6 8.04 11.24×0.700=7.86 1.1
    SH-2 4.94 8.37×0.606=5.07 −1.3 12.52 17.32×0.700=12.12 1.6
    SH-9 17.01 25.99×0.606=15.75 3.8 9.30 12.71×0.700=8.89 2.3
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    表  3   砷矿石各矿物相数据加和与全量数据的相对偏差

    Table  3   The relative standard deviation of the sum of the data of each mineral phase and the total data of arsenic ores

    样品编号 全量As测定值
    SH-7 5.70 5.84 −1.2
    SH-6 8.71 8.65 0.35
    SH-3 12.72 12.72 0.00
    SH-2 18.95 18.87 0.21
    SH-9 27.90 28.06 −0.29
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    表  4   砷矿石各矿物相化学物相分析方法的重复性限和再现性限

    Table  4   Repeatability and reproducibility limits of chemical phase analysis of arsenic ores

    总砷 5.59~27.78 r=0.26+0.0016m R=−0.55+0.60ln(m)
    砷华中砷 0.29~0.72 r=0.019+0.087m R=−0.0049+0.55m
    雌黄中砷 2.74~17.13 r=0.029+0.076m R=0.74+0.061m
    雄黄中砷 2.38~12.35 r=0.19+0.023m R=0.82−0.0007m
    毒砂中砷 0.24~0.88 r=0.038+0.080m R=0.035+0.23m
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