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“On Peak Zero”校正在多接收等离子体质谱同位素分析中的原理和应用

The Principle and Application of "On Peak Zero" Correction in MC-ICP-MS Analysis

  • 摘要: 多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱(MC-ICP-MS) 因具有样品通量高、ICP源电离能力强、质量分辨率高等优点,被广泛应用于同位素比值的精确测量。几十年来,标样-样品-标样间插法(SSB)一直用于校正仪器测量过程中的质量歧视,以获得准确的同位素组成结果,但在待测样品含量较低时,测量结果容易受到背景信号的影响。“On Peak Zero”校正将背景信号从总测试信号中扣除,是一种有效的扣除背景干扰的方法,并已得到广泛的应用,但尚没有系统探究这种校正背后的数学原理。本文通过数学推导和近似替代建立了同位素组成受背景信号影响的数学公式,并对不同浓度的Li、S、Fe、Sr、Nd和Pb标准溶液进行实验分析,对运用“On Peak Zero”方法校正这些同位素测试值的数学原理进行了阐述。研究结果表明:目标元素浓度越低,空白溶液的信号强度对待测样品分析准确度的影响越大,而“On Peak Zero”方法可以较好地消除空白溶液对样品测试的影响。本文以实验结果为基础展示了对该数学公式的数据拟合,模拟结果与本文研究的实际实验结果保持一致。该模型很好地解释了背景浓度对同位素测试值的影响,有助于理解“On Peak Zero”校正在多接收等离子体质谱同位素分析中的应用。


    BACKGROUND Multi-collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) has been widely applied to accurate and precise measurements of isotope ratios due to its high sample throughput, strong ionization ability of ICP sources and high mass resolution. For decades, the standard-sample bracketing (SSB) method has been used to correct for instrumental mass bias during the measurement to achieve accurate results. When the content of the target isotope in samples is low, the measurement results are easily influenced by the background signals. "On Peak Zero" correction deducts the background signal from the total signal, which is an effective method to eliminate the background interference and has been widely used, but no research has been conducted to systematically explore the mathematical principles behind this correction.
    OBJECTIVES To establish a mathematical model for the "On Peak Zero" correction, and verify its confidence by applying it to isotope measurements of different concentrations of Li, S, Fe, Sr, Nd and Pb standard solutions.
    METHODS In this study, a mathematical model of the influence by the background signal on isotopic composition was established by mathematical reasoning and approximate substitution. Standard solutions of different concentrations of Li, S, Fe, Sr, Nd and Pb were prepared for the application of the "On Peak Zero" method through experimental analysis. Two types of blank signals were subtracted separately from the aggregate signals to simulate isotope measurements without and with "On Peak Zero" correction.
    RESULTS The results indicate that the lower the concentration of the target element, the greater is the blank solution signal influence on the accuracy of the sample to be tested, and the "On Peak Zero" method can better eliminate the influence of the blank solution on the sample measurements. The simulation results based on this model were consistent with the real experimental results in this study.
    CONCLUSIONS The mathematical model and the data explain well the effect of background concentration on the experimental isotope values, and are useful for understanding the application of the "On Peak Zero" method in MC-ICP-MS isotope analysis.


