• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
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Electron Probe Quantitative Analysis of HREE-V-Aluminosilicate Minerals

  • 摘要: 产自广东省梅州市玉水铜矿的景文矿,属于含水、重稀土-矾-铝硅酸盐矿物(简写为HREE-V-铝硅酸盐矿物),其化学结构式为Y2Al2V24+(SiO4)2O4(OH)4,该矿物在全球属首次发现,暂未开展相关研究。相对于含轻稀土矿物,含重稀土矿物在电子探针分析过程中,当被高压电子束轰击时,被激发出来的特征X射线线系繁多,线系之间分布更加密集,彼此之间相互重叠的现象也更为严重,要获得理想数据的难度很大,是亟待解决和突破的技术难题。本文对该矿物进行了精细的电子探针定量分析,获得理想的化学成分数据,为新矿物命名提供了理论数据技术支撑。通过对实验方法的探索和总结获得以下结果:①利用15kV加速电压、100nA束流对试样进行全元素扫描,以此确定出17种元素;②在定量分析过程中,对重叠峰进行了剥离;③利用仪器软件中的Zoom-Peak ID程序,选择出17种元素的分析线系、精确的峰位及上下背景值;④选取合适的标样及测试时间等定量分析条件,最终获得理想的定量分析结果(平均总量97.41wt%)。上述四条也是确保获得理想定量分析数据的关键因素。


    BACKGROUND Jingwenite, Y2Al2V24+(SiO4)2O4(OH)4), from Yushui Copper Mine, Meizhou City, Guangdong Province, is a type of HREE-V hydrated aluminosilicate minerals. Since its discovery, no research has been done. During electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) for HREE minerals, many characteristic X-ray lines are excited when samples are bombarded by a high-voltage electron beam. The lines are not only numerous, but also seriously overlap with each other. It is very difficult to obtain optimal data, and it is a technical problem that needs to be solved.
    OBJECTIVES To obtain ideal chemical composition data by fine quantitative analysis of the mineral by EPMA to provide theoretical data technical support for the naming of the new mineral.
    METHODS Full element wave spectrum scanning for Jingwenite by JEOL JXA-8530F Plus.
    RESULTS (1) 17 elements were identified by wave dispersive scanning with an accelerating voltage of 15kV and a beam current of 100nA; (2) Stripping overlapped peak during the quantitative analysis; (3) Peak positions, upper and lower background values of 17 elements were set by Zoom-Peak ID program in quantitative analysis; (4) The ideal quantitative analysis results (total 97.41wt%) were obtained by selecting appropriate standard samples and testing dwell time.
    CONCLUSIONS The above four items are key factors to ensure ideal quantitative analysis data.


